Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Big Reveal!

The Quad's helmets are finally done and we are proud to show the results! After weeks of wondering how I was going to decorate them myself I heard of a place called 360 Wraps who is known for turning ordinary vehicles into eye catching moving billboards and becoming well known for their Band Wraps as well. I was so relieved to know someone actually did this yet I was worried about the cost... can't be cheap to have such amazing artwork done on 4 odd shaped helmets. I checked out their website and was SHOCKED to see the word FREE! Tommy and his staff offer this unique service free of charge to any babies having to go through the DOC Band experience. Find out more about 360 Wraps and see some amazing work by clicking on their link on the right side of our blog!
Tommy & Babies
When we arrived last week to have Brody, Korbin, & Kylee's bands wrapped the staff was so welcoming and pretty much let us take over the office. We were able to feed, change, play with and put the babies down for a nap without feeling like we were in the way or driving them crazy (which isn't hard to do!). I thought it would be cute to have the babies helmets match but not be exactly the same so we went with their signature colors in a cool metal looking cameo. We put their names on the front and "Baby Boy A" "Baby Girl B"... yada ya on the back. I have been wanting little t-shirts that have the "Baby Boy A".... on them but again, our little money tree out front has yet to grow any money :) This was the perfect opportunity!
I (still) have faith group shots will get easier as they get older...
My Korb Worb looking handsome as always!
Little Baxlyn! She has actually done really well with her helmet. I figured she would have the hardest time adjusting.
Sweet Kylee flaunting her beautiful lashes!
A Happy Brody = A Happy (thankful, blessed, grateful) Mommy :)
Love this look on Brody's face, ugh little heart-throb!
(you gotta love Kylee cracking up in the background holding her fake snake.. what a girl!)

A HUGE thank you to everyone at 360 Wraps for making this not-so-fun experience with helmets a little more enjoyable! We greatly appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedules and offering this free service to our babies as well as the others. We wish you nothing but the best for your growing business!
-Bret & Heather

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Good News... Times Two!

...no we're not pregnant with twins!
GREAT NEWS! BRODY ROLLED OVER! Last night we were sitting there watching Korbin go crazy in his jumpy jumpy, we look over and Brody is totally up on his side and slowly rolled onto his stomach! I seriously didn't think he was anywhere near rolling over.... that baby boy never fails to amaze me!
More great news our friends Kim & Marcus brought their beautiful healthy GBB triplets into the world this past Tuesday. Kim did AWESOME and carried the babies to 34 weeks! Bret and I were able to go visit them the night they were born and it just so happens they were laying in the same beds ours were minus Brody. What a sight to see let me tell you! Baby Deuce was laying where Kylee was and he seemed so small yet he was a pound bigger than Kylee... I had goose bumps. Thanks again Kim & Marcus for letting us come by it meant soo much! Find out more about The Thompson Trio here!
We went last week and had the babies helmets decorated but we're saving the "big reveal" until Tuesday when Baxlyn gets hers done. Stay tuned!
I got to enjoy a MOM's night out with the ladies this week...
My fellow Quad Mommas Casey & Amy Jo!

PS- If you missed our last post about RSV please take a moment to scroll down and read it. Also, thanks to all who left the comments on that post. It's great knowing there are others who feel the same way and support our decisions!
PSS- Katie, I answered your question under the comment you left. Hope it helps!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


If you have been following our blog for a while you have probably seen these three little letters come up a number of times - RSV. If you are not aware of RSV you are among the majority. Most people have not heard of RSV, even though nearly every child has had it by the age of two. For full term babies, RSV is usually not any worse than a common cold, but for preemies, the virus can be severe. Babies born earlier than 36 weeks are the the highest risk for serious complications like pneumonia, bronchitis, and other sometimes fatal complications. Our babies were born premature with lung issues, are multiples, and had low birth weights; these are among the highest risk factors for contracting RSV and developing serious complications.
Starting October first through the end of April we will be on whats called in the preemie world, "RSV Lockdown". That's 7 months of no church, shopping, going out to eat, or taking the babies to other crowded areas.... sounds crazy I know... but for the most part that's the way it has been since the babies have come home. We will only be taking the babies to necessary doctors appts during the RSV season. But Heather, your babies are 7 months old now and they are fat and healthy?! True, and we want them to stay that way. It was just a few short months ago they were fighting to live. They do look like big "normal" healthy babies now, but their lungs have a lot of catching up to do. Can’t they fight it off and build up their immune system? Kids need to get sick, right?! The simple answer is NO. Since our babies were pre-term, they did not acquire the necessary immunities to fight off infection.
Here's a brief explanation I found at http://www.rsvprotection.com/
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a very common virus. RSV usually causes mild cold-like symptoms in adults and children. But premature babies or those with lung or heart problems have a high risk of getting very sick if they catch RSV early in life. This is because premature babies do not have fully developed lungs. Also, because they were born early, they may not have received virus-fighting substances (called antibodies) from their mothers that help them fight off RSV and other viruses. Each year, an estimated 125,000 infants in the United States are hospitalized with severe RSV, the leading cause of infant hospitalization. Severe RSV infections may cause up to 500 infants deaths annually in the United States.

I encourage you to research more on RSV to get a clear understanding of it and its potential danger. Here are a few other helpful links I have found:
To hep prevent RSV we pretty much expect the same as always from friends and family. We ask that you do not bring over children, don't visit if you have been/have been around someone who is sick within the past 2 weeks... regardless of how much you want to see and miss the babies! When visiting we ask that you wear freshly washed clothing or bring a change of clothes to change into. You will also be asked to wash and sanitize your hands upon arrival. If Bret and I feel like someone visiting has symptoms of a cold or other sickness, we will ask you to leave. The babies will also be receiving monthly Synagis shots during the RSV season. The shots are designed to help protect preemies and other high risk babies from severe RSV.
Are we over protective parents? Absolutely. We have every right and reason to be. Our goal is to make it through this and the next RSV seasons without the babies contracting RSV or any other serious illness. Their lungs are still very fragile until they are 2-years-old. Please understand that we do not mean to offend anyone, just simply to provide an explanation. We hope you understand, and we appreciate your help keeping our babies safe. We ask that you continue to keep our precious babies in your prayers that we may make it through this season as fat and healthy as ever :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

New Kicks & Hooray for Brody!

As the dreaded winter approaches I figured the babies would need a nice pair of shoes to keep their little feet warm for when they go to visit the beloved doctors. I figured it would be easier to take them rather than to go by myself, buy 70 pairs of random sizes/styles, come home try them on everybody, then return the ones that didn't fit. It was so fun getting to shop for them and it was hard to decide which ones to go for... $15 a pair can add up so we bought one pair for each baby about 1-2 sizes too big so they will hopefully last a while.

The girls were thrilled, but who wouldn't be in new suede boots!
Korbin being his little "gotta figure this out" self... just like his Daddy.

I let him explore them all for a while after the group picture...

Now for Brody's big news..... drum rollll...... HE ROLLED OVER! OK so it was by total accident and he didn't intentionally do it but none the less is was his first official roll stomach to back and that we will celebrate!! Kylee rolls by accident stomach to back every once in a while, Korbin is going both ways intentionally, and Baxlyn... that girl will be crawling before we know it. So proud of you my little Brodster!

Also good news for baby girl B! Her records have been fixed and she has "officially" been released from the NICU therefore.. she gets fitted for her cranial band tomorrow!
Have a great week everyone :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A year ago today...

...our lives changed forever. I remember meeting Bret to go to our first sonogram. As we sat in the waiting room I said a prayer hoping to see the little heartbeat we were told was there. When we found out there were 4 precious heartbeats a train of emotions hit us all at once... shock, thankfulness, excitement, fear, happiness, confusion, hopelessness yet hope all at the same time.
Some of our conversation on the way home:
"What if we loose one/some?"
"How will we afford this?"
"What if they missed one/some?"
"4 car seats, cribs, bikes, cars, weddings, teenage heartbreaks, proms, colleges (this list is never ending)!"
"Holy Cow, I might just finally get the big SUV I always wanted!"

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Wow, what a year it has been!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kylee... My Sweetheart

Yes I know its been a whole week with no updates, I apologize we have been busy! This weekend I escaped with the ladies from church for a road trip to Waco to see Anne Graham Lotz speak at Baylor, it was an awesome conference and I'm so glad I got the chance to go. Bret stayed home with the babies and had some help from neighbors and friends. The past week or so has been tough on all but Baxlyn trying to adjust to the helmets... ugh. People had always talked about sending the babies home from the NICU one or two at a time so we could "ease" into this new adventure of parenthood.... FORGET THAT... We should have had these helmets on one at a time. The past couple of nights have been better but the first 5 days or so they just wanted to be held and didn't sleep well at night. Oh and they STINK. We clean them daily with alcohol (the helmets that is!) but it doesn't help much, and on the days we have 152 degree weather the babies sweat like crazy in them fun fun!
Today my mom and I loaded the gang up and headed to Kylee's cardiologist. Looking back through the blog I realized I failed to mention that Kylee was diagnosed with a VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect). During the time we found out about the defect we also had the more serious things going on (brain bleeds, lung issues...) that took our attention and focus off of the VSD because it was not as serious or anything we needed to worry about. Basically a VSD is a hole in the heart, this website has a short video clip showing exactly what it is and how it affects the heart. It sounds very serious and can be, however Kylee's doctors have reassured us that hers is very small and will most likely close without any surgery. For now we will continue to watch it and hope that it closes within the next couple of years.
Kylee wrapped in her spaghetti once again...
She weighed in today at a whopping 15lbs 8oz!!! We will be going to their developmental pedi tomorrow, I'm anxious to hear what the other are weighing. All I know is lugging them around is getting to be an even bigger workout.
Kylee being a BIG girl in the BIG chair and loving every minute of the attention being on her!
The gang hangin' out in Dr. Leveno's flirting with the ladies last week!

Short post, I know! Give me another day or two :]

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hello Helmets Goodbye Plagiocephaly!

We a had a busy Labor day weekend here in baby land. Sunday we took the babies to church and had a cookout at my sister's house which was fun! Monday we had some of our friends over for another cookout and spent hours playing the Wii, which I don't get to do often enough! A few more exciting things... we got our hands on a quad step2 choo choo wagon for next summer, the babies ate carrots and loved them and last but not least... Korbin rolled over back to stomach on Saturday! Busy weekend for busy babies! Today (totally sore from throwing out my right arm in Wii sports) we went and finally got the babies in their helmets... well all but Baxlyn that is. We're hoping her address will be changed quickly so we can get her on board with the others.

Baxlyn enjoying her time watching the others get messed with.

Two of my girlfriends went with me today as extra hands, thanks Ashley & Anna! It's always funny to see how people react depending on who is with me. When it's just me and Bret "Oh my gosh, QUADRUPLETS!!??!!" today with it being 3 girls we heard "Wow lots of twins today!" (there was a set of twins in the waiting room too). When we got to our room they brought the babies helmets in and we tried them on for size. I am amazed at how lightweight and flexible they are, in pictures the look like rounded heavy clay pots stuck on their heads - very uncomfortable. Of all babies Korbin was the only one to throw a FIT! Kylee and Brody didn't seem to mind and had fun flirting with the staff. After 10 minutes or so of leaving the helmets on they would come in and take them off to look for red marks (sings of tightness and irritation) and go file down where needed until they got the perfect fit for each baby. I am especially happy with Brody's helmet, it has plenty of room around his shunt causing no pressure. We have an appointment scheduled in a few weeks to have the helmets "professionally" wrapped so for now they will be plain super boring and solid white. I have some cute ideas on how to decorate them, but if you have any feel free to share ;)

We still don't know how long the babies will have to wear their DOC bands, we have been told approximately minimum of 6 weeks and it could be months and multiple helmets for Brody.
I just try to remember it will be totally worth it!
My little ticked off trio of troopers...
We got our quad table a couple of weeks ago from the Gerwer's at a great price, THANK YOU! Every once in a while I get those "holy crap I have four babies" moments and this was one of them, seeing them in this table was surreal. They all do pretty well in it... an occasional meltdown or two out of Miss B but over all great!

Gotta love the 8 little feet and one random hand!

Love this one of Korbin doing his best to finish off the squash bowl!

I think that about covers it for now! Hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sept 2nd 2008

One year ago today, I finally heard the words I had been dying to hear...

"Guess what Heather?!!!?! You are pregnant... you are definitely pregnant!!!"

Ha... litte I knew just how pregnant I was. I remember it like it was yesterday. I (ironically) was exhausted and was taking an afternoon nap when I got what I thought was going to be another routine call from Dr. Joyner. When she told me I told her "No... no no no I'm dreaming.... I'm having a dream...". I sat on the edge of the bed and listened as she convinced me that I really was pregnant. After hanging up I continued to cry tears of happiness and thanked my Jesus over and over again. That day was one of the happiest and I will never forget it. To read a little more about this day last year click here!

Now, back to my regular scheduled blogging. Once the babies reached 6 months we decided to start baby food. So far they have had peas, green beans, squash, bananas, & prunes. I was thinking the babies might go through a container between the four of them each feeding, for a week or two anyways until they got used to it. Boy was I wrong, by day 3 they were chowing down 2-3 containers between them all. My best eater from the first try Miss Kylee Mae, man she's a little green bean eatin' machine! Currently they are all eating in their bumbo seats but we hope we can move them into the quad table we got this weekend.... super excited about it and hoping it will make feedings a little easier!

You will notice in these pics, the babies are beyond messy. I don't have time to re-feed the same bite 32 times to each one until the keep it in. I simply shovel it in and quickly move on to the next. Every few rounds, I just take the spoon and scrape everything from the belly button up back into their mouths... nice.

Here's a few from our messiest feeding so far, prunes. (Man I just spoil you with pics!)

"Uh Korb, you got a spoon in your neck..."

Ok, now for thei helmets. GREAT NEWS! The boys have been approved by insurance! YAY! The girls both qualified for Mediciad (which will also cover the bands) due to low birth weight BUT, their records show that Baxlyn is still in the NICU. No clue why and apparantly it is going to take an army to change her address in the computer. Ugh don't get me started. We went yesterday and the three (all but Baxlyn) were fitted and photographed for their helmets that they will recieve next week. To capture the images, they have to put this sheer nylon type robbers mask over their little heads. Poor babies, this FREAKED them out to say the very least. Before they got this DSI imaging machine babies had to have their head completely covered in plaster to get a mold, so glad we didn't have to go through that.

Here's Brody, poor kid has no idea what they're about to do to him.

After covering their heads, 4 people attempted to hold each baby in the right position for the cameras to get just the right shot. Not an easy task when they're screaming at the top of their lungs and throwing their head back and forth and side to side trying to break free.

Korbin was the only one to not freak out on us and didn't cry a bit. The whole time he had his little mask on he just had this look of wonder on his face.
Bret, without me knowing, brought 2 of those little mask things home so we could "practice" with Baxlyn before she gets fitted. I don't know if we will make her "practice" but we did for fun! Just for you babies because we love you!

Until next time!

(PS I wrote this blog the night of Sept 1st to post the morning of the 2nd which is why it is dated a day early!)