Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas was great this year. With Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin being almost 3 years old (WOW!) they are starting to grasp the whole idea of the season. They knew it was Jesus’ birthday and because of that we were having a big party, birthday cake and all! 

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We spent Christmas Eve with Bret’s family, starting at Mamaw’s house. This year unlike the two years past, the quads knew how to open presents themselves and waited for nobody. Between trying to read name tags on gifts, looking at what they were opening and encouraging them to take a moment to breathe, I found myself lagging behind in the picture taking department! Below is Kylee with the FIRST gift she opened. Inside her new backpack was a bag of chocolate goldfish that she had never had before. She sat on the fire place and didn’t open another present the entire time. She held that bag, scarfed those fish down as fast as she could and snapped at anyone who came near. DO NOT mess with Kylee and food.

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While Kylee was in her own world the other three proceeded to open their gifts (including Kylee’s). Here’s a picture of Brody with another brand new Mickey, spoiled lil’ boy!

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Love this one of Kylee & Mamaw, so sweet!Christmas 1 312N

Our smiley Kylee once again, standing by Santa Claus at Papaw’s that evening…

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Papaw helping Korbin open a gift. Korbin INSISTED on wearing a bow that evening. This little one managed to stay stuck to his head for hours that night!  Christmas 1 362Brody & Uncle BradleyChristmas 1 494Sweet Sisters :)Christmas 1 407Christmas 1 431Christmas 1 368The boys making sure Santa’s cookies and milk were in just the right spot before heading off to bed on Christmas Eve!Christmas 1 506Christmas morning Kylee was the one most concerned about the cookies being gone. Here we are a week past Christmas and she’s still talking about how Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk! xmas2011 007Santa brought the girls a kitchen and the boys a tool set. Both were set up and ready to play with Christmas morning. Like Christmas Eve, the babies wanted NOTHING to do with opening more gifts!xmas2011 036xmas2011 078xmas2011 018I took several group pics of them that morning and this, unfortunately, is the best one I ended up with. We have Brody smiling (not sure what at… but smiling), Baxlyn chewing her finger, Kylee upset about something and Korbin….apparently checking out Barbie’s hind end. Nice. No joke peeps, this is the best one.xmas2011 155Kylee & Mommyxmas2011 044N   Below we have Baxlyn opening (what we didn’t realize at the time) THE gift of 2011. You may remember the vacuum from last year? Yeah, this Baby Alive was the toy to have this year. xmas2011 060 Thank GOODNESS my mom and sister had another one at their house waiting later that day. You can see by the look on their faces that one was just not going to cut it!xmas2011 071    Just a few short hours later Kylee is happy as can be when they receive the other Baby Alive!xmas2011 181 Kylee & Papa looking at the picture in his new frame!xmas2011 184Korbin sharing sugars with Nana!xmas2011 196xmas2011 246 The piano from Uncle Brian was also a big hit. Below Brody & Baxlyn making some music!xmas2011 233                 

We hope you all had a great Christmas as well! Coming your way Twins for a Day, A trip to the Fire Station & The ZOO! Stay Tuned!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Holiday Fun at Aunt Beth’s!

   My mom and my sister thought it would be fun to have Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin come over for an entire Saturday to bake and decorate Christmas cookies! My brother Brian is here from Michigan to spend the holidays with us as well and was able to join in the fun! We all had a great time and plan on making this a little tradition the quads can enjoy each year! Warning, picture overload coming your way….

L-R Brody, Korbin, Kylee & Miss B ready and waiting for the fun to begin!play 019 

Little Santa Brody cutting into the dough first!

Baker Brody

Korbin, oh so serious!

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Miss Kylee & Aunt Beth

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Sweet Baxlyn

play 052 play 065play 082   After the cutting and just a few minutes in the oven it was time for the decorating! 2 year old quadruplets plus 4 bowls of frosting and millions of sprinkles equal quite a mess and a load of fun! Love this one of Brody…play 098

Kylee and her fake smile…

play 117Brody showing Uncle Brian just how this sprinkle shaking is done…

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Then we have Baxlyn. This activity was right up her alley. I don’t think she mumbled a word the entire time she decorated! She was SO into what she was doing it was as if nobody else existed!

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You can NEVER have too many sprinkles, says Korbin!

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The final products…

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After the cookie decorating Uncle Darrell ventured out into a whole other territory. He’s got his own annual tradition of making gingerbread houses and this year he thought it would be a good idea to have the fab four join in the fun!    play 230 Below, I had to get a close up of Kylee totally ROCKING this pincer grasp, something she’s definitely struggled with with her left hand. Seriously, as her Mama, this picture means a lot to me and is such a reminder of how far this baby girl has come!  OH so proud of you Kylee Mae, so proud!play 234 play 240  play 251 play 263 play 265 The end result! Not too bad if I do say so myself!play 279

Just a few days before their baking fun the quads had their very first sleepover away from home (besides vacations and hospital stays)! Bret and I had an evening to ourselves while Nana, Aunt Beth, Uncle Darrell, Uncle Brian and cousin John took them for the night! Bret and I have spent many nights away from the babies since they were tiny but have always left them at home with sitters. It was nice to ship them off so we could have the house to ourselves for a change!

Below, three of the four enjoying a little steak dinner with Nana and Uncle Brian!

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Pita (our Elf on the shelf) even showed up to watch for good behavior!

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Brody’s new found love….loading the dishwasher! He is the biggest helper lately and loves to “do you a favor”! Sweet sweet boy!

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One last picture of the crew confined to their peapods while they camped out on the living room floor!  Nana slept on the couch to keep a close eye on them through the night. She said Brody woke up at 1am and sang “Jingle Bells” and talked to himself for 2 hours! LOL!

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I absolutely love this time of year and having the babies makes it a million times better! This year the Christmas spirit is in full swing, you can see it in their little eyes as they start to “understand” the season and all that it brings! I have no doubt each year will get better and better and I look forward to making more unforgettable memories like the ones we have this year!