Thursday, May 21, 2009

Look Out, We've Got a 9 Pounder!

Yes our Linebacker is now at 9lbs triple his weight since birth, go Brody!
We all went this week to Children's to see Brody's neurosurgeon for a check up. He was the only one who was weighed. My guess is the others are between 7 1/2 and 8 1/2lbs, Baxlyn still being slightly the smallest. It was just 2 months ago we were there for Brody's surgery and he had reached the "big" 4 pounds!

Our appointment was at 9:30am so we left the house at 7am, thinking we would get there early enough to feed them... ha were we wrong. We got there right at 9:15 and didn't have time to feed before going in. The babies slept like angels all the way there and what do you think happened right when we walked in the hospital.... yeah that's right. Here we come, as if not drawing enough attention wheeling in a limo of babies, all 4 babies were screaming at the top of their lungs. Bret and I found a spot somewhat away from all others in the waiting room and prayed we had enough time to get a bottle down each of them before they called Brody's name. The timing was perfect, as we finished Korbin, they called our name. From then on, the babies were angelic once again!

We sat in the room waiting for the doctor, I held Brody as he looked over my shoulder out the window and was happy to tell him we didn't have to leave him there, not this time :)

My little miracle, waiting so patiently for the doctor!

Dr. Honeycutt said Brody looked great, therefore we can assume the shunt is either doing it's job or his body is draining and absorbing the fluid like it should on it's own. Our only problem is that Brody prefers to lay on the opposite side of his head from where the shunt is, so his head is slowly being reshaped to conform to the way he lays... not so good. In most cases the baby would be put into a cranial band/helmet for a period of time to reshape the head. His doctor wants at all costs to avoid the helmet not only for obvious comfort reasons, but also the chance that the helmet would put pressure against or around his shunt and cause complications. In the nicu the nurses would rotate him (and the other babies) and make him lay in different positions, including on his shunt. Bret and I try to do the same at home, but as Brody gets stronger, it's harder to force him :/

Our fix? Therapy, right away. We are in the process of setting up therapists through ECI Early Childhood Intervention to meet with and/or to come to our house not only for Brody but all of the babies. ECI specializes in babies at high risk for developmental problems and/or disabilities and strives to help the babies "catch up" to their actual age and reach their potential.

Ever wonder "What's 24 hours like with Quads?"
Here's a slight idea :)

Looks like a lot of bottles, yeah? That's just during the night.

32 Bottles total per day.

40+ diapers a day.

This is why Baxlyn is the smallest, poor thing.
"Yeah, I puked...again... so what?"

Late on a feeding... this is how they thank you.

Mommy, Brody, Kylee & Baxlyn
Multitasking is becoming one of my special mom powers!

Bret trying to get a nap in with Brody.

Are my hands full? Yes. Better Full than Empty.

Am I busy? Yes. Better Busy than Bored.
By the end of the day I am exhausted and as always, thankful to be :)
Until next time! -Heather

Friday, May 15, 2009

Yay For Daddy!

Hello Cox Quad Followers! It's been a good week here in Baby Land.
First of all... Bret graduated!!! This was his toughest semester by far. He knew going into it he would be dealing with working full time and going to school full time while anticipating me being in the hospital on bedrest, the babies' arrival, and a long stressful nicu ride. At the same time he/we knew that if he did successfully finish this semester, he would be home around the same time our babies came home... and he is! For the first time EVER he goes to work and comes home, like a "normal" person. I Love it! Congrats Babe, I'm so so proud of you. Now take a break (haha a break with quads?) and enjoy your family, you deserve it!
We got to get out of the house a few times this week, thank goodness! Baxlyn had her eye exams on Tuesday and like Korbin's, are developmentally right where they should be. She won't have to go back for another year! Monday we took a family trip to the hospital to take a few long overdue pics with some of our favorite doctors - pics coming soon!
A shot of Miss Kylee's feet while napping with Dad!
Bret and I took the babies on our first family walk around the neighborhood the other night... you would have thought we were walking a ten legged bright orange dinosaur from the looks we got. There were several people who stopped us along the way to "ooh aww" and ask questions, one lady even knew the babies' names.... wow!
Bret and the girls.
Oh... and one more way to use the multi-functional Boppy!

My Sweet Little Bit Baxlyn

Ok, this I LOVE!
The girls have been doing this "Hold Me, Hold Me" thing lately... especially at night... ugh. Anyways, Kylee was going at it the other day and would not let me put her down without throwing a huge fit. Korbin was tucked away peacefully in his boppy chair so I thought what the heck... let's try it. Maybe she just needs someone... not necessarily me, just someone. Sure enough brother did the trick. It looks posed, I know, but it's not. Korbin held on to her and she went right to sleep. So sweet!

"Mommy won't hold you? It's ok I got you sister."

Hope this made you smile!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My First Mother's Day

For my first Mother's Day I asked for just one thing. Not diamonds, a shopping spree, a fancy dinner, or bouquet of flowers (although I got that too)... I asked for a nap... a much needed nap... and I got it! Thank you Bret.
This time last year I wondered if I would ever be a mommy, and here I am today blessed beyond words with four beautiful babies.
In the picture below, I like to think the 3 are screaming at the top of their little lungs "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOMMY, WE LOVE YOU!" in their own words. Sweet Korbin was the only one hangin' out contently for the pic, it seems there's always one who gives me a break when all the others are going at it... thanks Babe ;)

Mommy's Little Lemon Drops

We made a surprise visit to Grandma & Aunt Beth's house to deliver cards and flowers!

My Mom, Sis & I with the babies.

Our next stop, a surprise visit to Mamaw's house!
"Happy Mother's Day Mamaw!"

To all of the moms out there, Happy Mother's Day, we hope you had a good one!
God Bless, Heather

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pictures and a tribute to Robin!

Hello all! So far everything is going smoothly in Baby Land. The babies are all doing well.... just sleeping and eating and sleeping and eating and sleeping and eating some more (of course with a few hundred diapers in between)! Brody, Kylee, and Korbin had their eye exams last week. Korbin's eyes are right where they need to be (developmentally that is) and Brody and Kylee's are looking good too, they have one more follow up in a few weeks. Baxlyn will have hers checked again on Friday. We will keep you posted!

What's cuter than a sleeping baby...?

...a pile of sleeping babies!
Sleepy Sisters
Brody taking his first nap in his crib.

Baxlyn getting a close look at sleeping Brody.
"So this is the one I sat on in mom's tummy... hmmm"

Left to Right (bottom to top):
Baxlyn, Brody, Kylee & Korbin

From Brody to Robin (his NICU Baby Buddy):
"Hi Robin, the night mom brought this shirt to the NICU was the same night we found out you were not there anymore so I thought I'd show you a pic, hopefully you'll see it. Here I am showing off my "I Love Robin... and she loves me!" shirt mom made. I didn't get a chance to tell you thank you for loving me and being my buddy in the NICU. You would be so proud of me, I'm doing great, as you can see my chin(s) are growing and I weigh over 7lbs now! I will miss you and hope to see you again someday!" - Brodster

Short post for today sorry, I need to go share more love :]