Thursday, January 29, 2009

Luau in Labor and Delivery

Howdy Fellers,
After a rough night of being in our "new home" the doctors continued to run a lot of test that have all come back normal. The nurses have been awesome so far and the food is great too! We went down for a sonogram yesterday morning and the babies look great! Heathers cervix is back to a 3.5, which is great (Tuesday it was between 2.1 and 2.4) but there was a little funneling, nothing to be too concerned about. They will just contiune to keep a close eye on her cervix. Although it is a day to day situation our goal is the get to 28 weeks. The doctors are still very positive that we could possibly make it farther. Hold'em Brody!
Me and my Beautiful wife, who is going to be a
wonderful mother of 4!
The girls gave Uncle Mason and I the hard job of blowing up the 6 foot tall palm tree to decorate the room.

Aunt Banan and Aunt Bethany came to visit and added some decorations to our "new home" for the next few months, Hopefully. They are the Best!!

We appreciate everyone who has come to visit and the supportive phone calls we have already received. Visitors are welcome but the hospital does not allow children under 12.
Sonogram pictures coming soon!


  1. It was great getting to see you yesterday! Keep up the good work woman!! I am so proud of you. I know you'll make it beyond 28 weeks :)
    Let me know if there is anything i can do! LOVE YOU.

  2. You are doing so good Heather. I think about you every day. Since Jason doesn't see Bret that much at work anymore I have to keep him updated on your progress. You are young and healthy and have a great support group so I know you will make it past 28 weeks. I would love to help out any way I can. Please let me know if there is anything you need.

  3. Keep baking babies :]
    I'm praying for you!
    Aunt Banan

  4. What a great idea to decorate the room! Love it! Hang in there!

  5. Glad to hear you are doing well! Tell those babies they can’t come out yet, I’m not finished with their diaper bags! :) Rebecca

  6. You guys are so awesome and gonna' make great parents! Keep the great attitude and keep us updated!

  7. What a great way to decorate the room! I'm praying that you get well past 28 weeks! You look awesome! Let me know if you need anything! And I'd love to come by & visit,
    Take care,

  8. I love it. Stuck in a hospital bed with a full face of make up. Lookin' Good mama! I will come and see you sometime soon! Maybe this weekend if that's okay?

  9. Boo for bedrest! Looks like y'all made the most of it though.
