Monday, February 16, 2009

FORTY fingers and FORTY toes are HERE!

Hey everyone, this is Bethany.

We just saw them wheel the babies by and the nurses said they are doing great!
From what we know right now Mom and Dad are doing great, and dad didn't pass out, yeah!
As of right now we dont have all the weights and lengths but they are coming soon!
Here are some pictures for now!

Here is Brody and Baxlyn!!!

Here is Korbin!

Here is Kylee!

We can't wait to tell you more! They are BEAUTIFUL!


  1. WOO-HOO !!! Glad the babies are here and you all can see their beautiful faces now! We at Raytheon are SO proud of you Bret & Heather! MOM & DAD !!! Congratulations from the ROR Gang !!!!


  2. Congratulations Mom & Dad and Welcome precious babies!! We know you are elated and exhausted, but content with the knowledge that the wait is over! Best wishes and blessings abound!

  3. Praying!! Keep us posted, please!!! Much Love!

  4. Congrats Cox Family! Welcome to the world Korbin, Baxlyn, Brody and Kylee! Can't wait to hear more....lots of prayers headed your way.

    Love from KS,

  5. cONGRATS!!!!!! Can't wait to hear more! Sending you LOTS of prayers!
    Love ya,

  6. Congratulations! The next few days are crazy so hang in there!

  7. congrats on the birth of ur 4 babies, sending you love and prayers

  8. Congratulations Bret from 3rd shift ATFLIR!!

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  10. Congrats Bret and Heather. Welcome to the world Korbin, Baxlyn, Brody and Kylee!We can't wait to meet you.

  11. Congrats!!!! We love you guys!

  12. Congrats!!! We are so happy for you! Welcome to God's world, Korbin, Baxlyn, Brody and Kylee!

  13. Congratulations Heather and Brett!! I am praying for you guys and those four beautiful babies!! Let me know if you need anything!!

    God Bless,
    Ashley Sears

  14. Congratulations Heather and Brett!
    Welcome to the family, Korbin,Baxlyn,Brody and Kylee!! We look forward to seeing each of you.

    We are continuing to pray for all of you.

    We love you!! Uncle Larry and Aunt Bonnie

  15. Congratulations and great to hear how well they are all doing! Can't wait to hear more and see more pictures!

    Deanna in Kansas City

  16. Congratulations from the Production Engineering Group (Linda Warren) @ Raytheon. What a blessing from God!
    Linda Warren

  17. I love all of you more then you know and I am praying harder than I ever have before!
    God will get us through WHATEVER the outcome!

  18. We love you guys so much and are overwhelmed with the joy these four little blessings have brought into our lives! We look forward to witnessing the journey that the Lord has planned for your family! To God Be The Glory, forever and ever.

    Sis (Aunt Beth), (Uncle) Darrell and (cuz/Uncle) John. Spunky's gonna have to hang onto his spunk to keep up with these guys!!

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