Friday, February 20, 2009

More Pictures!

I apologize, no idea why this is being underlined. There is no "take away the underline" button at the top, so please ignore it!

Here is a random line up of pics from the last 2 days!

Baxlyn showing us she can scream and breath on her very own!

Korbin: "I pledge allegiance, to my Dad"

Korbin and Daddy's calming hands.

Bret taking Korbin's temp.

Miss Kylee hangin out.

Kylee with Mommy & Daddy's bling.
Look out boys, she will not settle for just anything!

Our Brody Love and his sweet blonde hair :)

Our swollen Brody, hanging on hour by hour.

Baxlyn LOVES her lavender passy!

Baxlyn with Daddy's ring on getting her diaper changed for the first time by him!

Again, diaper change... with the famous passy.

Almost done...

Ahhh... fresh and clean!

The NICU nurses made this for us the night they were born :)
Thank you ladies, it will be framed and cherished forever and ever!


  1. SO PRECIOUS!!! Praying like crazy for you guys!!! Love the sign the NICU made!! Save that paci, I know it looks huge now, but in a couple months you'll be shocked at how small it is! We pull our old ones out from time to time and remember how far we've come!! I'm so excited for you guys to begin this AWESOME journey!!

  2. OK...I'm crying! These are the best pictures ever! And Baxlyn SOOOOO looks like Bret! I wish nothing but the best for you and God will for sure get you through these rough times. You have some Beautiful Babies!!

  3. I am praying for you all. My son graduated for m that NICU a little over 12 years ago. My son was addicted to the paci also. Now, 12 years later i shed a tear when I found one in a cabinet at my mom's.

  4. What GREAT pictures! Your babies are so precious! We're keeping you all in our prayers.

  5. I saw you on Ch. 8 last night - I have helped families of multiples – mainly quads - set up a Share The Care team for their quads - I do this for fun - no charge - I would be glad to help get you started – I live in Arlington, TX

    I see you watch Casey blog - I helped her team get started and then they formed their team using many of my ideas.

    Here is my blog:
    From there you can go to the first quads I helped - the Steece quads – listed on the right side of my blog site.

    It can be done by email - I have all the forms I can email to you / your coordinator. I can help you get started - all you need to start with is a good friend who is willing to be your coordinator and then I see you are involved in a church – they can be your team. Our church was the Steece’s team.

    If you would like to talk to me, leave me message on my blog and we will figure out a way to connect. The sooner you get things rolling for your team the better prepared your team will be when you get all 4 babies home.

    Look in Aug. 2008 on mine and Suz’s blog to read more about the Diaper Darling and also on the Share the Care site – also listed on the right side my blog site.


  6. Psalm 139:13-14
    "You created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother's womb.
    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well."

    Matthew 10:30-31
    "And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid..."

  7. Bret & Heather, The photos are fantastic! It's amazing! Five days old already! It had to be hard going home, but sounds like family is taking care of you! Bret, your changing those tiny diapers makes me think how at work you adjust the TGAs and inside the delicate parts with your big ol' hands and still do just what's needed to make them good. Take care, y'all and we continue to pray for the babies and you. We watch for your next updates!

  8. I can't imagine changing diapers that itty bitty! Great pics.
