Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Prayer List

Hey everyone Bethany,

Thank to all who have been praying for the Cox Quads! Keep it up they still need it!

I wanted to let you know that I am creating a Prayer List that we will have at the end of each babies bed from now until they get to go home!
If you are interested in being on the list all you need to do is email me at
and give me your name and the city and state you live in.

There is no need to sign up for a specific time I just ask that you agree to pray for the babies and their mom and dad at least once a day!

Thank you so much!
Feel free to tell your friend, the more prayers the better!
Please email me by Friday Feb. 27th if you are interested!

As for updates on the babies:
All I really know right now is that we just have to wait and PRAY!


  1. Thank you Bethany! What a sweet thing to do!

  2. My prayers go out to everyone!!

    Leah from Minnesota

  3. My prayers go out to the whole family. Please know that God is with you every step of the way.

    God Bless

    Michelle from Celina

  4. I pray for God's hands to wrap around those 4 precious babies. I aslo pray that He sends comfort to Bret and Heather.
