Sunday, February 22, 2009

We're getting to hold and cuddle!

We have only gotten to hold the girls so far, Korbin will be anyday now. Brody has a little catching up to do before we get to hold him. They are all getting their little brains checked out tomorrow, so we should know more on Brody's ventrical and wheather or not is has gotten better. Please keep them all in your prayers!

Daddy doing his first kangaroo care (skin to skin bonding) with
Miss Kylee.

Kylee and one big yawn.

Our first time to change Brody's diaper!

Mommy holding Kylee for the first time.

Sweet Brody and his sunglasses.

Daddy holding Baxlyn for the first time.

Daddy's first time holding Kylee.

Korbin hanging out with his CPAP.

Mommy Daddy & Baxlyn with her Bow Hat

Mommy and Baxlyn for the first time.

Mommy, Daddy, & Kylee for the first time.

Thanks and we will write soon!
Bret and Heather


  1. Awww... you guys are just beaming proud parents. So happy your babies are doing well. Prayers still coming. Loved all the pictures.

  2. What a beautiful family! I can't wait till I can come see you guys... :)

  3. I love the pictures!
    I really miss seeing your guys!
    Love you tons and we are praying so hard!

  4. Precious! You can see the excitement in your faces!

  5. WOW! that is all I can say. God is simply amazing! I have been debating on commenting or not a decided that you should know that pretty much everyone is praying for yall. Every since we heard about it my dad ( Coach Deel) and I have been checking in or I mostly have and then showing him because its kind of weird because when I was younger I guess yall were kind of role models for me if you can imagine ha ha me being dragged around every sporting event in Melissa and around the area and knowing every kid in the school so its neat to see what God has blessed you with. Were keeping yall in our prayers.
    -Kati Deel

  6. Beautiful pictures and so exciting to be holding them for the first time!
