Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Brody's Surgery

Brody was transferred to Cook Children's hospital this morning by ambulance. Bret and I followed and are staying at least one night, depending on how everything goes. The plan as of tonight is to have the surgery at 9am tom morning. The neurosurgeon thinks Brody is big enough and stable enough to go ahead and get the permanent VP shunt which will go from the brain to the abdomen. If all goes as planned he will HOPEFULLY be transferred back to his Robin, his favorite nurse :) at the other hospital with his brother and sisters within a few days. Bret and I are doing fine, we just ask once again for more prayers. It's hard being here so far from the other babies and knowing Brody is "alone" in this new, unfamiliar NICU. Here is a link you can look at that explains the shunt: http://www.preemies.org/buckwal/shunt.htm

We will keep you posted! Oh, and I left my phone at home, so those of you who have called... I'll get your message later. We do have Bret's phone with us.


  1. I wanted to let you know I have been praying for your little boy today. I met you today at cooks. I am friends with suzanne and Casey (I was a night nanny for the gerwers also) I didn't want you to think I was just some crazy blog lady. I recently got my twins out of the nicu. I know just having them at one nicu was hard. Know that we are praying for all of you.

  2. Sending you & Brody lots of prayers!

  3. Sending prayers your way...from someone who has been right where you are now. Hugs.

  4. We lift prayers up to the father for Brody today as well as for you both and for the other babies.

    Paul and Vickie Krehmeyer

  5. Sending up lots of prayers for your family

    : )


  6. God,
    Give Baby Brody the strength he needs to see this through. We pray that in the end this procedure makes him a happier, healthier little boy. We love him God, we ask with all the faith we have that you keep him safe.

  7. hey woman...we are praying for brody! just looked down and it is 9:00 am exactly! liz told me she saw you yesterday and i've been praying for brody since then!!!


  8. Lots of love and prayers are being sent your way.

  9. Praying for you guys! Mr. Brody is so super strong, he will do great. Let me know if there is anything i can do!! Love you guys!!

  10. Thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery...

  11. How scary that he had to have surgery on his little brain. :(
