Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Guess What Guess What!!!

This little Chipotle burrito is not an old pic of Korbin on CPAP it is in fact,
our Brody Love!!!!! When I came in yesterday my jaw hit the floor when i saw it, the nurses said "SURPRISE!".

CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. A nasal CPAP device consists of a tube with tiny prongs that fit into the baby's nose, which is hooked to a machine that provides oxygenated air into the air passages and lungs. The pressure from the CPAP machine helps keep a preemie's lungs open so he or she can breathe. However unlike the ventilator, the machine does not provide breaths for the baby, so the baby breathes on his or her own.

Oh we're so so so proud of him!

You think that's cool?!

Keep scrolling down....

Keep going...

Are you ready?!


Watch out brother and sisters, here I come!
That's right, Brody has caught up with the others and is breathing room air! He was only on CPAP for about 24 hours and the nurses said he has not had and apneas or bradys all day being on nasal canula! This just shows you the power of prayer!
Korbin and the girls are doing well too. Korbin has the whole eating/digesting thing down and should start gaining weight soon. Brody and the girls are still working on it....
but they'll get there!
We received the list of names of those of you who are praying for us daily, it took our breath away. Hundreds among hundreds of names are on it... people we know... people we don't know... people from all over the world... Italy, Venezuela, Germany, Canada... just to name a few. Thank you all so so so much for praying :) I have not hung the list up in the NICU yet, Bethany said she is still getting many emails that she will add to the list. If you are interested, scroll down to the post labeled "PRAYER LIST". *As most of you know, and you have seen already, life in the NICU is a roller coaster ride. Things can change (for better or worse) within seconds. Please continue to pray that the babies continue to improve and reach milestones
needed in order to go home.* Thank you!
Bret and Heather


  1. Praying like crazy for you guys! Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do!

  2. Heather and Brett, We are so happy for all of you that things are going so well. We are all praying too. God is so good.

    We are sending our love to you.

    Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Larry

  3. Awww! I want to cry. That is so wonderful! Many more prayers going out for you. Love those baby loves... :)

  4. Yes, God is so good. Our Bible study this past week showed us so many "reversals of destiny". God has certainly reversed little Brody's destiny. From last Monday having us so afraid we were going to lose him to this Monday him doing so well he could go on the CPAP. This is so awesome. This just poves we need to lean on God, He has a plan for this little guy. Love Mom

  5. What wonderful news! We are so thankful....

  6. O my goodness!! This is amazing!! God is definately at work here!! I am soo thankful and will continue to pray every day for little Brody, Baxlyn, Korbin, and Kylee!! I pray for the day where I will read on here that they are going home!! Let me know if you need anything at all!!

  7. Oh you guys, we're so excited! God is so good! I can't wait to finally meet them. We're still praying hard though! We want them to be home safe and sound! We'll keep the prayer pager beeping!! ;)

  8. Awesome news, mama! It's the little milestones along the way that make it all seem okay. That just makes my night!

    Will continue to pray for your beautiful crew!

    Love from KS,

  9. This is great news! I have been checking on you and your family since I read your story int he Paper. Just wanted to let you know that our church and ladies bible study is/will be in prayer for your family!

    God Bless you all!

  10. Isn't that the best when you walk in and one of them has made progress - that is just the best feeling and it makes you so proud of your little miracle. You guys are doing a great job. Go Broady Love Go!

    We love you!
    King Quads

  11. This brought tears to my eyes!!! What wonderful news!

  12. Woo Hoo! Go God!!!!!!!


    PSALM 121:7-9
    7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
    8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.


  14. OOPS, I forgot to sign that last comment.

    Sis (Aunt Beth)

  15. The POWER OF PRAYER! I am beyond thrilled that they are doing so well! Praise God! I pray for you every moment I have. I am so excited and can't wait to see the next pictures! What a nice pic of mommy and me! I am sure there will be millions more!!!! Today is a great day!

  16. How exciting! I am so happy for you Heather! Those babie are doing amazing! They will be home befor eyou know it!

  17. Unbelievable! Unbelievable! What little miracles you have on your hands...you are blessed

  18. That is amazing! Praise the Lord! He is so good!
    I'll keep praying for you all!
    -Erika in NH

  19. i am still thinking about u guys often. especially when i walk by room 13. thoughts and prayers are with u all. talina (L&D)
