Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our first night without our babies!

Yes we left them last night for the first time to attend a beautiful wedding (Congrats Keri & John!). Sure I have left the house at times by myself and obviously Bret does, but together without any babies... never! With two sitters ready for a challenge I kissed each baby and headed out the door. It wasn't that hard actually... it's been so long since Bret and I have been out we knew we owed it to ourselves to break free. We got home at about 11pm everyone was asleep but Miss Baxlyn I think she had the sitters wrapped around her little bitty finger. She had them and the whole living room to herself getting rocked and loved on! As if getting out wasn't a treat in itself... the boys slept more than 8 hours!!!! I didn't have to get up to feed until 4:30am!!! Bret on the other hand did the midnight feeding with the girls as well as the 4am... maybe next time Daddy!

Here are a few pics from last night's outing!

Bret being a ham... as usual!

My Mom and I


  1. Okay, so you look amazing! Are you sure that you had 4 babies at once???

    Good for the two of you getting out together! Hope you can do it again real soon.

  2. Good for you! Hope you two had loads of fun!

  3. I'm so glad you guys were able to come to the wedding. It was good to see both of you (together). Ok, so now that the wedding is over, we are ready to babysit. Let us know when!

  4. Cute pics, and so glad you two got out by yourselves! I'm sure it was much needed!!
