Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We're 4 Months Old!

Yes Sir... the babies are 4 months old ALREADY! They had their check up today. I have time to post a blog this quickly thanks to their not so fun shots... they are sleepin' good. They all look great and are measuring up (developmentally) to 2-3 month olds! Wahoo! Not bad considering they are 6 weeks adjusted! The other night at the ER (read previous blog for details) they asked me how much Korbin weighed, I told them "Oh I'm guessing he's around 8.5lbs now...." they put him on the scale and boy was I wrong! He was at 9lbs 14oz. Today just 3 days later he is at 10lbs 3oz. Brody was at 10lbs 15.5oz Miss Kylee 10lbs 1oz and Little Bit Baxlyn weighed in at 9lbs 8oz! We also get to start cereal in their bottles... ugh they are growing up so fast! The main concern the pedi had was Kylee and Brody's heads are getting a tad flat due to them laying on one side so we are going to meet with a specialist to consider cranial helmets.
Bret and the babies

The girls and their bellies hangin' out! Notice they're starting to get little rolls in their arms :)

Dr. Reyes with the quads

Like I said the babies got shots therefore they were OUT! Bret and I decided to be brave and try going out to eat for the first time with them. I have been craving Snuffers lately (thanks Misty and Casey I'm hooked) it's this little burger joint with greasy cheesy bacon-y fries and huge juicy burgers... you get it. At first we were going to order and eat in the car then we noticed they had a covered outside patio with fans and it was completely empty! After deciding a little heat wouldn't hurt them we went for it. I went inside and around to the patio and Bret was able to sneak the babies out of the car right over the cement wall thingy and I put them where I could. We explained to the staff this was our first little outing and we needed to hurry before we had any melt downs or quad drama. They did great (the babies and the staff) we got our food extremely fast, stuffed our faces and loaded them up without causing a huge scene!
GO Mommy and Daddy!

I think this pic shows just how big they are getting. Mommy and the girls!

They have all started smiling like crazy over the past few days I love love it! Brody is even starting to giggle! Here's a gummy smile from Baxlyn who seems to love whatever it was I was doing while Brody looks like he's thinking "Dude, Mom put the camera up you're a nerd."

Here's the last half of a smile form Brody and one HUGE yawn from Baxlyn.

The sisters trying out their Bumbos. By the way, these are the real uses for them unlike the previous blogs pics.

"Hi friends, family and fellow bloggers!

I'm doing great now, sorry to scare everyone the other day!" - Korbin

Have a great week all!


  1. THey look great! AND awesome weights! Isn't snuffer's great.... we get take out ALL of the time. LOVE, LOVE that place. So glad you got out. Doesn't it make you feel just alittle bit more normal?

  2. I can't believe how big they are getting! That picture of you on the booth with all the car seats was SO cute! LOVE IT!

  3. Wow they sure are grwing so fast!!! They all look so cute in the pictures! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Okay, I'm comin' to love on them soon. That one little peek was not nearly enough!

  5. Way to go on your 1st outing! And like good parents, you had the camera ready for the photo-opp so you can document it appropriately. That's a BIG DEAL!!!

    Loved the photo commentary on the Baxlyn and Brody pic. So dang adorable.

    Glad Korbin is doing well now. Those episodes can be so scary, but you did the right thing!


  6. Just stumbled upon your blog- and wow, your babies are beautiful- and you look amazing for having 4 month old quads!

  7. Awesome smile pics! And how great you guys got to eat out w/ them! :)
