Sunday, July 26, 2009

For Your Viewing Pleasure...

Brought to you by C. Parrish Photography.
Chuck Parrish did an amazing job capturing some great pics of our family. These are the pics from our first "real" photo shoot when the babies were 3 months old. Sorry were just getting around to posting them! Here are some of our favorites!
L-R Kylee, Baxlyn, Brody & Korbin

Korbin Lee

Kylee Mae

Brody Coleman

Baxlyn Hope

Our ever-so-sweet girls!
The Brothers

Thank you again, Chuck and Angela, for capturing these pics of our sweet babies!
To learn more about C. Parrish Photography click here!


  1. oh how precious! and you look absolutely amazing for them only being 3 months old!!!

  2. Heather, these pics are adorable!! I miss you guys!! I need to come see them soon!

  3. For 3 months post partum Heather, YOU LOOK GREAT!

    The babies are so cute. Baxlyn and Kylee are little divas in the making aren't they. The boys are so chubby. Too cute. Their little cheeks are so big. I love it.

    The pictures are great. Thanks.

  4. Those are absolutely PRECIOUS!!! Love Love the tutu picture!! Beautiful Beautiful Family!!

  5. Gorgeous! I soooo want to just love on them! You are doing great, mama!

  6. I love the pictures! I can't wait to see them:) BB-Robin

  7. I loved all the pics! Those are great! What an awesome photographer!
