Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Busy Weekend...

We got out Saturday morning and headed to the Gerwer's to check out their quad stroller. I'm sure you've seen them in pics the huge limo looking strollers that hold all four babies... yeah that's one of our wipe out the bank account purchases we will be making along with new car seats soon. Casey and Robbie are SUPER great and have been there for guidance and support since we were pregnant. They have also helped us out with car seats, toys, bottles, CLOTHES... just to name a few. Don't know what we would do without you, thanks guys!!! Best part of seeing them this weekend was letting the quads meet each other for the first time!
Cameron was the first to check them out up close "BABY!!"

Apparently Kylee and Korbin have the same "lovies" as Brady and Cam. Here's a pic of Casey trying to explain to Brady that this one was not his!

We managed to get a great shot of them all together.
L-R & T-B Cameron, Brady, Reid, Trey
Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin

Brady giving Korbin a little goodbye kiss... soo cute!
That afternoon we headed to the hospital for our 2009 NICU reunion. We got to see some of our nurses, doctors, and other babies who were in the NICU at the same time as ours. It was so fun and I look forward to going back each year until they kick us out!

Dr. Kuforiji with the me and the babies.

Baxlyn reunited with her baby buddy Meredith!
(So good to see you girl!)

Bret and I with Michelle and the babies!

Michelle and her awesome new hair with Korbin. She decided she would "hold him until he cried"... after about 45 minutes of angelic behavior, she had to put him down so we could mingle with others!

They even got to meet Blue while we were there!

After the reunion we headed upstairs to labor and delivery to see some of my nurses.
Dr. Leveno happened to be there too, it was great seeing him! On our way out we took the babies to the skywalk where Bret would wheel me everyday during my 20 minute outings from my room. Kinda cool pushing the babies down it rather than BIG O' me for a change!
Sunday one of my best friends KK came over to hang out. We have known each other since we were little babies ourselves! Unfortunately she doesn't live too close so we don't see her as often as we would like. Love you K, it was great to see you!

Kylee having a great game of stretching with her Aunt K.
She and Korbin LOVE their stretches lately!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Stay tuned, babies have their 6 month check up tomorrow!!!


  1. My gracious they are getting big. Little round cheeks and everything. I am looking forward to hearing how their 6 month apt goes.

  2. So precious!!!! Lemme know before you get carseats, I get regular sale updates, etc. Jenna Walker is all over the carseat coupons too!

  3. 6 months already, wow! Time is flying! I just took my youngest to her 9 month check-up. It's kind of sad when you get to thinking about how fast they grow! Loved the pics!
