Friday, November 11, 2011

11.11.11 - We're Taking "The Plunge"

The time is here... my teeny little 2lb babies begin Potty Training today, someone pinch me!

1 set of un-potty-trained quadruplets, check. 4 lil' potty seats, check. 6 jugs of apple juice, check. Paper towels, check. Sanitizer, check. Bleach, check. Lysol wipes AND disinfectant spray, check. Candy & stickers, check. Febreze air freshener, check. Boat loads of undies and panties, check. Latex gloves, check. Plastic tarp, check. Mommy, check. Daddy, check. BFF Bethany, check. Sanity, even if temporary, check.I can only hope we are prepared for this insane weekend ahead of us. We're attempting the 3 day potty training method beginning this morning, November 11th, 2011. I'm not even gonna lie, I shed a few tears as we prepped the house last night for potty training and unfolded each big boy underwear and big girl panties. No worries, those tears dried up and my frown was turned upside down when I thought about the $$ we'll soon be saving on diapers! CHYEAH BUDDY!

Wish us luck and leave us some love under the comment section, we're gonna need some major support on this one, people! For those of you who won't see parts of this weekend unravel on Facebook, stay tuned. Assuming we survive, you'll have lots of stories, pics, tips and tricks to look forward to!


  1. You guys got this!!! They are such smart babies they may surprise you!! I am praying for you guys!! Let me know if you need anything! Love y'all!!

  2. I'd love to be a fly on the wall this weekend! They are smart kids, I'm sure it will be a piece of cake! I look forward to Sunday to see their progress! Hang in there! Love, Sis (Aunt Beth)

  3. I can't even imagine potty training FOUR babies. WOW! I'm sure you'll do great, as will they. I look forward to hearing all about it. Good Luck!

  4. Who wouldn't want to use those fancy potty chairs! It'll be great. Deanna in KCMO

  5. To think I have been shuddering over the thought of potty training my twins. I am thinking about leaving for vacation while someone else does it. I think mine will train separately because Bailey is cognitively delayed and behind her brother. You shall be my inspiration. LOL Go mommy go!

  6. Can't wait to hear how it goes! First time visiting.

  7. I think we are all itching for an update! Hope its going well!

  8. (Saw a link to your blog from Heather's blog!) Hope the potty training is going well over at your house! My twin girls are 4 days older than your kiddos and we just potty trained two weeks ago! It's nice to finally be able to get out of the house again! (Your boys & girls are just precious!!)
