Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011 The Flintstones & The Rubbles

This was the first year Brody, Baxlyn , Kylee & Korbin actually kinda grasped the whole Halloween/Tick or Treat idea. We've taken them each year but this was the first year they could all walk themselves and go door to door. We headed out early in hopes to beat the big kids and scary monsters but at our slow pace they caught up quickly! We went to the first house, they knocked, the door opened and IN they went to make themselves at home! We had practiced "trick or treat" all day but I failed to mention to them that we don't just barge in other people's homes...whoops!

Us adults watching from the sidewalk as they unexpectedly walk into the neighbors house...Below we have Baxlyn leading the pack, as always, screaming "Fick or Fweet!" Poor girl hasn't really perfected her "T" sound just yet. (BTW, very unfortunate when you're in a store and you see a Fire Truck... "MOM, look, a Fiah %&#!")This lady was pretty good at standing between them and the inside of her house. While the other three went for the candy, Brody was all about the cat behind her!The cutest lil' Fred Flintstone ever!It was a little tricky keeping them altogether as Korbin was always the last to leave each house, repeatedly grabbing handfuls of candy as fast as he could while the bucket was within his reach. Kylee stopped to check out her loot after each house as well as the decorations in people's yards. Then we had Brody who was so easily distracted by the UPS truck, airplanes, flowers, cats...etc. By the time they all made it to the next porch Baxlyn had already rung the "Ding Bell" a good 30 times :/ Kylee goes for the Skittles while Korbin contemplates how he can get the rest of the candy into his little bucket without being told, once again, "Just a few, sweetie!"Sweet little Betty checkin' out more decor! "Care-cwows Mom!"Love love this one as our little animal lover loves on the front porch doggy while the others knock!Slowly but surely they (and by "they" I mean Korbin) got a little less patient with the residents. As they'd rush each door we would hear a sweet "Tick or Teet!"....pause... and then a not so sweet "TICK OR TEEEEEET!!!""Come on guys!"Hitting up the last few houses in the choo choo!We got back home to watch more kids and pass out candy of our own. I was surprised at how many people acted as if they "came to see the quads". All night we would hear people talking and whispering to eachother about how they've grown, their names and their costumes over the past couple of years! The quads watched as tons of kids came and went as they munched on some of the candy they had gotten. This was hands down, the longest they've ever sat together in one place allowing for a ton of pics... not one picture of them looking at me, but a group pic nonetheless! This was the look on Kylee's face most of the night as kids came with masks and costumes. The girl freaks out pretty easily and last night was a little rough on her. The poor thing tried to be brave as she looked at me, shook her head and said "Not cary, not cary...not carrry waaahhhh!"

Our little Wilma, as brave as can be, could have lasted all night!

They were all in bed by 8pm and us adults went on with our own Halloween festivities... pizza, candy, scary masks and music and little innocent little kids.....muuuahhhaahhhhhaaa! Kylee woke up this morning and said "Mom, I go Tick or Feet (with) my bucket now?" LOL No sweetie, we have to wait another year! We hope you all had a fun, safe Halloween as well!


  1. What great pictures! It looks like your kids had tons of fun "fick or feeting". I always get a kick out of what your kids say!

  2. Love love love LOVE the pictures! Great post! Happy Halloween!
