Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Thumpety Thump Thump!

Sweet number 5 news today! I hit 19 weeks yesterday and am able to (confidently) say I felt KICKS this morning!! I have been anxiously waiting for weeks now and thought I felt a little something last week but wasn’t so sure and didn’t feel another thing until today. This morning there was no doubt as I felt it on the inside and out as well as saw it from the outside. It’s just as exciting as the first time with the the quads…although I don’t know who the first kick was from in that case. The further I get into this pregnancy the more excited I get. It already feels like a whole new experience with just ONE baby. As I lay there in bed listening to that sweet single heartbeat I already feel like we get that special one on one time that is so hard to get with multiples.

I tried explaining to Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin this morning that soon they would feel the baby kick them too. They all looked at me in total disbelief that I would actually be excited someone was going to kick them. “That not bery nice, Mom.” So sweet watching their little minds try to wrap around and take in the idea of another baby in the house!

Sono and gender confirmation just one week away! Stay Tuned!


  1. how cute and sweet! made me laugh what your little one said!!

  2. Can't wait to meet this new little blessing! Love, Aunt Beth (AKA Sis)
