Wednesday, December 31, 2008

22 Weeks!

We had our 22 week check up yesterday. The babies all looked great as usual and were bouncin' up a storm! We figured we would try to get a good face shot of each baby to post. Each baby cooperated nicely until it came to Little Miss Kylee. Judi, our wonderful sonographer, couldn't get her to flip over and look at the camera for anything. After 10 minutes of fighting, she finally got her to look at us and give us this blurry little smirk!

(top to bottom left to right Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee, & Korbin)

Of course, a picture of the ever growing belly...


  1. Hey girl, how terrible am i, just getting around to this!!!
    Welcome to the blog world!! It can get crazy.
    Im here for you for whatever you need. I have on my to do list to look at your registry this evening. Let me know if there is anything else i can help with.
    Keep growing them girl and PLEASE take it easy!!

  2. Congratulations!! Welcome to the quad world and the blog world!! Please feel free to ask me any questions!!!
    Mom to BBGG 4 month old Quads and 4 year old Daughter!

  3. You look great in the pics! Welcome to the quad-blogging world! I added you to my blog list (is that ok???).
    It was so good to finally talk to you last night! Can't wait to meet you next week.
    Take it easy!!! And drink, eat, drink, eat & do it so more!

  4. We're praying everyday for you and your babies!
