Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rub a Dub Dub... the Quads in the Tub!

We have always given the babies their baths in the "baby tub" at the sink. Lately they have been trying to roll over in it, grab the bottle brushes by the faucet, reach for the outlets... and other things that have signaled it may be time to start using the real bathtub. I LOVE to swim and be in the water myself so I was excited about introducing them into the big tub. We had to split them up 2 and 2 because we can't fit 4 bath rings in the tub at once :( The girls went first and loved it, they immediately figured out the whole splashing thing. Although they were enjoying their time, I was hunched over breaking my back trying to keep them from slipping out of their seats and above water. Kylee hasn't quite perfected the sitting up thing and the slippery seat didn't help the poor girl! When little Baxlyn made the slightest twist she had both legs through one leg hole of the ring and could easily squirm out of the seat. The boys liked their bath as well. It took them a little while to get the whole splashing thing down, the girls were by far the more wild ones!

The Girls!

The Boys!

Although it was fun and made for some cute pics, we've decided to stick with the baby tub a bit longer!


  1. Please, tell me where you found the bath rings WITHOUT the attachment to the tub. I've got triplets and all I want are the bath rings and I can't seem to find them anywhere! Help =) Btw, they look like they're having so much fun! Tub time here is a blast too.

  2. Bath time starts rough at that age but will get much more fun!!!
    I used to put a washcloth at the bottom of Reid's seat becuase it would help her from slipping all around. That may help.
    The back breaking stuff will last awhile though :) Love you

  3. Anonymous. We found the bath rings at Buy Buy Baby. Here's the link:

    From what I hear they are a part of Bed Bath & Beyond and will accept their coupons!

  4. I have a friend with twins and she would put them in a laundry basket together and then place the basket in the bathtub. Then they have something to lean on, but can't go to far.

  5. Thats a great idea Erin, I may try that!

  6. I have a friend with triplets and they took one of those egg crate matress pad things and cut it up and it kept her little ones from slipping around so they did not have to use any rings or baby tubs.

  7. Thanks for the info on the bath rings. We recently moved to the big tub and have been doing one at a time (although it takes forever). The boys just sit there and it makes me nervous, but my husband is convinced that they are okay. I'm going to suggest these rings or try the basket.

  8. Thank you SO much. I posted my info but it keeps posting me as anonymous?! Oh well, I guess I'm mysterious...but again, thank you so much!

  9. We used those plastic milk crates with towels in the bottom for my twins. Strong, cheap, easy to find and both hard to stand up in and hard to tip over all at the same time.
