Sunday, September 27, 2009

Good News... Times Two! we're not pregnant with twins!
GREAT NEWS! BRODY ROLLED OVER! Last night we were sitting there watching Korbin go crazy in his jumpy jumpy, we look over and Brody is totally up on his side and slowly rolled onto his stomach! I seriously didn't think he was anywhere near rolling over.... that baby boy never fails to amaze me!
More great news our friends Kim & Marcus brought their beautiful healthy GBB triplets into the world this past Tuesday. Kim did AWESOME and carried the babies to 34 weeks! Bret and I were able to go visit them the night they were born and it just so happens they were laying in the same beds ours were minus Brody. What a sight to see let me tell you! Baby Deuce was laying where Kylee was and he seemed so small yet he was a pound bigger than Kylee... I had goose bumps. Thanks again Kim & Marcus for letting us come by it meant soo much! Find out more about The Thompson Trio here!
We went last week and had the babies helmets decorated but we're saving the "big reveal" until Tuesday when Baxlyn gets hers done. Stay tuned!
I got to enjoy a MOM's night out with the ladies this week...
My fellow Quad Mommas Casey & Amy Jo!

PS- If you missed our last post about RSV please take a moment to scroll down and read it. Also, thanks to all who left the comments on that post. It's great knowing there are others who feel the same way and support our decisions!
PSS- Katie, I answered your question under the comment you left. Hope it helps!


  1. Hi!

    I had my quads in Houston 3/23/09- 2 boys & 2 girls as well.... where are you guys in Texas?

    I don't have a blog- but need to start one!! I do have picture of them you can see-

    Its nice to know there are others that are traveling a similar road!!


  2. Yeah on the good news! So wish I could have made the Moms night out. Maybe the next one.
