Thursday, September 17, 2009

A year ago today...

...our lives changed forever. I remember meeting Bret to go to our first sonogram. As we sat in the waiting room I said a prayer hoping to see the little heartbeat we were told was there. When we found out there were 4 precious heartbeats a train of emotions hit us all at once... shock, thankfulness, excitement, fear, happiness, confusion, hopelessness yet hope all at the same time.
Some of our conversation on the way home:
"What if we loose one/some?"
"How will we afford this?"
"What if they missed one/some?"
"4 car seats, cribs, bikes, cars, weddings, teenage heartbreaks, proms, colleges (this list is never ending)!"
"Holy Cow, I might just finally get the big SUV I always wanted!"

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Wow, what a year it has been!


  1. CHILLS!!!! That was an awesome post!! I remember that day for myself oh too well!! You've rocked out at this whole quad mom thing woman!

  2. Wow. I can only (and will ONLY) imagine the feelings you felt when you found out there were 4!

  3. Of everyone I've known in my life, I can't think of a more appropriate person for God to have given this awesome and scary responsibility and blessing. God knows what He's doing. :) Love you.

  4. And what cute little ones you have now!!!

  5. I know that feeling. You are doing so good with the babies and the updates. God picked you for a reason...all of us for a reason.

  6. I can't imagined your feelings that day, but it's nice to you to share them. :) I think you guys are doing awesome!!
