Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sibling Rivalry?

As the babies are getting more mobile, I find myself playing referee more often. It seems every time I turn around Korbin and Baxlyn are dukin' it out. I can put them on separate sides of the room and minutes later they have met up and he's got her helmet, she's got his hair then she has his nose... he has her lip.... it never ends! I know it's bound to happen, but seriously, this early?! The ripe ole' age of 8months?! I started really noticing it a few weeks ago and ONLY between the two of them, Kylee & Brody tend to keep their hands to themselves so far.

"I didn't do it Mommy... hee hee"

"Don't cry, she's looking"

Silly Babies!


  1. Oh, you just wait until they are truly mobile and starting wanting each others' toy, sippy cups, anything...just because the other one has it!!!! Or at least that is what my 14-month old twins are doing. For instance, they have to have the same exact sippy cup (color) or they will fight over who has the yellow, blue or green one! And by fighting, I mean, taking it from each other..:) So yeah, it's a fun game that has begun quite early for ya, girl!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It looks like Baxlyn is totally winning. When she has a hold of him he looks so sad!

  4. I feel you on the "it's too soon for these issues". I would have never guessed that at 10 months mine would be pulling hair, stealing toys and using all means necessary to vie for my attention. Hang in there, I heard it gets easier in a few years:)

  5. Baxlyn is beating Korbin like I beat Bret at Fantasy football last week!

  6. baxlyn cracks me up!!! those pics are too funny!

  7. Haha! They are so cute! Mine do that too. Oh my gosh, it's crazy to think now, but they will be best friends later!

  8. HAHAHA I can't imagine having more than one at the same age, much less 4! Korbin looks like a bully by his faces in those pics...besides the last few where Baxlyn is finally getting him back. ;)
