Thursday, December 10, 2009

Proof that I am one funny Mommy...

I LOVE this video! As you will see Korbin can hardly contain himself and looks like he's gonna cry! What is soo funny? I was tossing around the little toy you see from my teeth... who would have guessed it would be so entertaining!? I did it a little later that day and he looked at me like I was nuts. But for that short period of time I was THE funniest Mommy in the world :]


  1. O my goodness!!! That is soo precious!!!

  2. That is soooooooo cute! I love little baby laughter.

  3. Sooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Looks like a funniest home video to me!!

  5. Thanks for giving the night shift at a great laugh at 4am!

  6. Too precious! Kylee's face at the end is awesome,too! You're such a good mamma! Those little babies are always grinnin' because of you!

  7. Oh my goodness!! I think I was laughing just as hard watching little Korbin! ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!
    Love you guys!!
    Michelle, Aaron & Megan

  8. Love it, love it, love it! Such a great laugh, wouldn't it be nice to hear that all day long, I would never have a bad day :)

  9. That laugh is so awesome! I let a 5th grade class see the video and they wanted to watch it over and over. They were all laughing, it was great!

  10. I love how Korb is laughing so hard he has to drop his head down... ohhh so sweet! My baby is gunna love Aunt Heather :]

  11. LOVE IT! Those babies are such a blessing!

  12. they are so adorable! Thank you for sharing...I am so excited for when ours start laughing!

  13. THAT COULD BE THE CUTEST THING IVE EVER SEEN!!!!!! WOW, i couldnt stop laughing through that!! What a wonderful moment. Those are the ones that you want to have forever!

  14. hahaha! that is the funniest video ever! i especially love kylees face towards the end...those babies and their laughs are amazing...ah, so blessed!
