Saturday, December 26, 2009

Quads First Christmas


  1. Love love love love LOVE it!!!! Wasn't this year so amazing?!? Hopefully our babies can meet soon. Love you guys!

  2. you guys are so lucky!! your christmas looked like tons of fun!! The quads are so cute, especially when playing with the bows and wrapping :)Have a very Happy New Year!

  3. Ok, I officially decided today, you can only post video's of laughing quads. Your Christmas video is too sweet...brought a little tear to my eye. Sweet babies!

  4. What a precious video! Don't mind me, I'm way behind on your blog like usual. :) I love the One True Media videos you do, I might have to look into doing something like that on my blog if it's easy. Your video brought a tear to my eye too. You're so very blessed!
