Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ready for Christmas!

One day last week Bret and I decided to get out the Christmas lights and decorations while the babies were napping. They happened to wake up at the time we had lights strung across the living room floor. I brought them out one by one to see all the lights for the first time ever... OK so this was probably a bigger deal for me but I'd like to think they will remember it forever ;) They all loved them! At this point Korbin was our only "crawler" (I say that lightly as it's more of a commando crawl) but when I sat Baxlyn down on that floor, she was GONE! Bret and I couldn't pull her back away from them fast enough and the girl hasn't stopped going since and leaves Korbin in the dust! We bought a smaller tree this year and put it on top what was the diaper changing area so the babies couldn't reach it and we didn't have to gate it off.

Little B helping Dad with the tree!

L-R Baxlyn, Korbin, Brody & Kylee
Love this pic. It's dark but they're all there enjoying the lights!

Oh Brody and his hair. Poor kids lookin' more like a Chia Pet everyday...

This is Brody's "Mom-get-the-camera-out-of-my-face-I'm-not-an-elf" look.
My little "toofer" Kylee

It has been sooo cold here in our neck of the woods the last few days. We went from shorts, tees and open windows last week to sweats, PJ's and hot cocoa this week. We even got our first snow today! As excited as I am about the winter being here I know it's going to be even harder taking the babies out for their appointments and more importantly keeping them from getting sick. I can't believe it's almost Christmas. This time last year I was big and round and wheelchair bound tryin' to stay out of the hospital. It blows my mind to think in the blink of an eye my babies will be a year old.... sheesh!
That's all for now. Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!


  1. This is soo cute!! Can you email me the pics?? I hope it doesnt snow Friday so I still get to watch them, well three of them!!!

  2. Too cute. I love Brody's expression!

  3. Precious picture with the lights!

  4. Hi Heather,
    Testing to make a comment.

    Love Aunt Betty

  5. The x-mas light pics are adorable! :) And love the look on Brody's face in the elf hat pic. HAHA. Too funny!
