Sunday, January 31, 2010

More laughter...

to start your week. Enjoy!


  1. That is FUNNY!!! And...all the while, yet another baby in the background totally oblivious to the amusing event!!! Happy Monday!!

    The Harris'

  2. I would love to know what you were doing to get them to laugh!! And I love that everytime Brody looked and the camera there was a pause in the laughter and then he started right back up. Too cute!

  3. Thanks for the videos Heather. Whenever I need a smile, I just come to the blog! Love, Sis

  4. Ohmigosh! Talk about adorable!

  5. Hey girl!! I have followed your blog for a while now, and I really love watching your little ones grow! I had a baby May 29, and I remember reading when you had your little ones!! Bless you for staying so strong!!! You and your little ones are in my prayers. That are just too cute!!!

  6. Thanks for a reason to smile today!

  7. Love Love Love baby giggles! :) They're so sweet!
