Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Brody Baxlyn Kylee & Korbin

This is it, this is their very first birthday. It's so hard to believe my sweet babies are ONE! February 16th 2009, I woke up like any other day having no clue that by the end of the day I would be half my size and officially a "Mommy". I remember so much about that day... the nurses who were present, the special one who came in from home just because I wanted her there, the disgusting meatloaf with tomato and basil that I (for some reason) ordered for lunch, the look on my doctor's face and how my heart sunk when he said the words "Looks like were gonna have some birthday parties...". I'll never forget seeing my friends and family in the hallway cheering me on while I was being wheeled to the operating room, literally feeling myself getting smaller and being able to take deeper breaths as each baby was pulled out, and hearing each one's weak whimper as they took their first breath on their own. It was definitely a day I will never forget.

Right before Korbin and Baxlyn were discharged.
These are some of the amazing doctors who God used to take care of myself and the babies. Dr. Leveno, Lucena, Kuforiji & Dr. Jain, if you are reading this THANK YOU! We think about you often, especially during this time.

Dr. Kuforiji
Dr. Lucena
Dr. Jain
The One and Only, Dr. Leveno

Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin
Your Daddy and I have said a million times already and will say it millions more in your lifetime, we are so proud of you and thank you for being the fighters that you are. Not one single day has gone by that we haven't thought about where you were a year ago and how far you have come. God has truly blessed us not only with four babies, but more specifically YOU four babies, and we thank him for that each and every day.

Happy Birthday to our miracle babies, we love you!
Mommy & Daddy


My Birthday Babies!

One of the news stations who covered the babies at their birth did a special segment on them last night in honor of their first birthday. Check it out here

Stay tuned! One year check up and the P a R t Y! coming up soon!


  1. Happy Birthday sweet babies. You have come so far and will go a lot farther.

  2. Happy Birthday Brody!!! Happy Birthday Baxlyn!!! Happy Birthday Kylee!!! Happy Birthday Korbin!!! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, I love you, Happy Birthday to you!!! Love you so much!! Aunt Beth

  3. They are so beautiful!!! Happy Birthday to all the littles ones. Congratulations, Mom and Dad it looks like you are doing a FANTASTIC job!!!

  4. Happy 1st birthday to your sweet babies!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Bro-man, B, Tiny, & Korby! We are so happy that yall are in our lives and we love each one of you VERY much!

  6. Tears..... that was such a sweet post!!! They are so grown and sooo precious!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Happy Birthday!! From your neighbors across the street~ Sarah & Adrian Q

    You are so blessed!

  9. Happy Birthday sweet babies!! I remember the day I met you like it was yesturday! I could fit all four of you in my lap!! I am super excited for your birthday party! I love you all soo much!! You guys are MIRACLES!!!!

  10. awwwww!!!!! happy birthday you precious cox quaddies!!!! LOVED the news video!!

  11. Happy 1st birthday Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee, and Korbin. Grandpa, Dave

  12. Happy Birthday to my sweet precious grandbabies, Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin. You are growing up so fast and every moment I can spend with you is certainly an honor. I love you so much and am so proud of your mommy and daddy, they have your best interest in mind with everything they do. You couldn't be more loved! Grandma Reynolds ( Sorry my picture isn't changed)

  13. Happy Birthday Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee and Korbin!!!

  14. WOW! Happy birthday little ones!

  15. Happy 1st birthday to your little ones! Wow, 1 whole year with quads ...

  16. Happy Birthday Babies! And happy BIRTH day, Heather :)

    You've been nominated here---> http://2chicklets4me.blogspot.com/2010/02/beautiful-blogger-award.html

  17. Wow you totally made me cry! They have most definitely come a long way! Happy b-day again to your sweet sweet babies!
