Saturday, April 24, 2010

My little Darlin'...

...home now for a year!
Bret, Baxlyn, Korbin and I went this day last year to pick up Miss Kylee from the hospital! She and Brody had their very own suite and when I walked in, this is what I found...

Although we were SO HAPPY to be taking our baby girl home, it was one of the hardest walks out of the NICU that I have taken, having to leave Brody alone again.

3 down... 1 to go! L-R Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin

A cute laughter video of Brody and my sweet sweet Kylee Mae! Please ignore their wild hair and the crazy mommy shadow popping up in the background :)

Love you Baby, happy one year anniversary!!!


  1. Congrats on one year home for Kylee! The video just melted my heart, love the giggles and your shadow popping up in the background! Ha!

  2. Kylee's little teeth are so adorable! :) Brody is a little laughing machine isn't he? ;) Love your videos of them!
