Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I need YOUR help!

It all started on Christmas. Grandpa gave each of the babies a plush Disney character and Brody's, as you probably already know, is Mickey Mouse. He LOVES that Mickey more than anything and when the goin' gets tough that Mickey is all he needs.
Months ago we noticed Brody took comfort in Mickey's nose in particular. At night we would go in and he would be hanging out chewing and sucking on Mickey's nose... ok whatever. A few weeks passed by and we were at a friends house when all of a sudden one of our friends gagged after getting a whiff of Mickey's nose "OMG Heather, Mickey's nose is disgusting!" I picked up the Mickey, took a sniff and almost upchucked myself. At this point I thought ok we just need to wash Mickey, no big deal. I go home, chunked him in the washer then the dryer, pull him out and the smell was still there. Better, but still there. The second Brody laid his mouth of that thing it was just as nasty as before.
As the days go by Mickey is getting more and more disgusting and the stink is started to linger around in the rooms where Mickey has been. Poor innocent Kylee went to give Mickey some lovin' the other day and gagged as she yanked it out of her mouth as fast as she could.
Here's where I need YOUR help. Buying a new Mickey every month isn't exactly in our budget. What have you done with your children's lovies when they started smelling well... not so lovely? Someone mentioned vinegar in the washing machine with it - didn't work. I also tried soaking Mickey's nose in a bowl of straight vinegar over a long period of time- didn't work. The nasty mouse has been through the washing machine AT LEAST 15 times and its just not working.

Brody & Mickey
Mickey's first of many vinegar baths.
We went to the Disney store a few weeks ago. Brody fell in love with this HUGE Mickey and the first thing he went for.... his nose!
Any suggestions? Pleeeaasse?!


  1. That's a rough one. The only thing I can think of is to cut his nose off and try to restuff and sew on a new one. Not sure how much talent you'd need to execute that.

    The picture of his nose bath is too funny!

  2. No suggestions for cleaning but if we go to Disneyland anytime soon we will get him a new one!

  3. is there a "mickey" knock off you could buy in bulk?! Cute post - hope someone has some real advice for you & brody.

  4. What about Febreeze? Baking soda also takes smells out.

  5. I cloth diaper and we use rockin green detergent and there are many other cloth diaper detergents out there I'm thinking if these detergents can get #1 and #2 smell outta diapers possibly Mickeys nose??

  6. Hi, I've never posted before, but I had the same problem with my sons Zebra. We tried a paste of baking soda and Dawn dish soap. Rub it on with a toothbrush and then leave it for a bit. Throw it in the hot wash after. Have you tried oxy clean? There is a baby oxy version, it worked really well with stains in my daughters bibs.

  7. Hi, I was addicted to a blanket when I was little. My mother never got it away from me, though all she ever tried was taking it and that just hurts a kid's feelings. The thing that drew me to my blanket was the smell and texture. Sounds like Brody likes the taste/texture. My suggestion would be to try and convince Brody that the nose does not taste good. Put some nasty tasting thing on it before he puts it in his mouth (lemon, lime, something you know he doesn't like but wont hurt him). Hope this helps :)

  8. Baking soda does wonders. Try putting it in a closed container overnight with a box of baking soda sprinkled in the bottom . . . even put lots of baking soda right on the nose. Honestly, I've seen baking soda do miracles!

  9. Hilarious picture of Mickey taking a nose bath.

  10. Oh Lordy, got a good giggle of Mickey snorting vinegar. LOL.
    Sorry, I am clueless on this one. I did like the suggestion of maybe cutting off the nose and buying similar material and creating a new one when the other has had it.
    Good luck with Mickey!

  11. I also recommend the baking soda. It does wonders! Good luck!

  12. My sister had the same problem with her daughter's zebra and its ears. She eventually had to rip the seams out around the ears, remove the stuffing from the parts that stunk and sew it back up. Mickey will have a floppy nose, but the stuffing is probably a little moldy and getting rid of it will get rid of the smell. Good luck!

  13. Perhaps if you soaked the nose in Listerine mouth wash it would get rid of the smell. At least it would kill germs!

  14. Try using the stuff deer hunters use to get rid of smells.

  15. Thanks everyone for the feedback. I'll for sure be trying some of these and will update soon on how things work out!

  16. Have you tried a bucket of water and a new "Tide Stain Release, in wash booster". Let it soak at least 24 hrs and wash in the machine with a new booster and detergent. Lots of my triplets stains have come out with this method. If all else fails write Disney's customer care center and ask for suggestions. They may surprise you. Send lovie photos and you will win friends at Disney too. :-) Keep trying! Bethel

  17. Borax! It gets just about any smell out (even cigarette smoke) so maybe it would fix the nose. It's in the laundry aisle (I also put a scoop of it in the wash with puke- or pee-soaked laundry as needed).
