Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sum Sum Summa Time!!

Lots going on around here lately, sorry for not blogging as often as usual. I've been taking the babies out on my own more and more now and my confidence is *slowly* rising. When I do get the courage to take them somewhere alone, I find myself texting some of my girlfriends for last minute support right before I enter the store or doctor's office. Not sure if the overwhelming feeling will ever completely go away as long as I'm pushing that beast of a stroller!
The babies all went to the eye doctor last week for their final ROP check up. All 8 eyes look great! Kylee & Korbin are free from the eye doctor (unless the need arises, of course) and Brody and Baxlyn don't have to be seen for another year!
Kylee, Baxlyn, Brody & Korbin
Kylee waiting patiently!
The Texas sun is HOT too early this year but we're still trying to get out. We've been enjoying walks, sunshine, watermelon and the little blow up baby pool in the backyard the babies got for their birthday (thanks Ms. Ashley!) We have attempted the "big" pool a few times now and even adult per baby, it scares me to death :/ Hopefully we all get the hang of it soon!

Sweet sweet Kylee Mae
Baxlyn & Brody
Korb Worb
Hittin' the streets for a walk...
First time swimming as a family on Memorial Day!

More to come.... promise!


  1. You are very welcome!!! Im glad they enjoy the little pool!!

  2. They are so cute! So glad the ROP checkup went well, yay!!!!

  3. I am sure you have the coolest house, yard in the world!

  4. Precious!!! Glad eye appt went well!

  5. Fun pictures! It took me a while to be brave enough to go out alone w/ my two girls, so I can only imagine how you feel about your 4! ;)
