Tuesday, July 6, 2010

These braces were made for walkin'...

...and that's just what they'll do...
one of these days these braces are gonna walk all over YOU!

That's right, Kylee got her braces! An SMO on the right and an AFO on the left. We are hoping they will give Kylee the stability she needs in order to walk by holding her legs/ankles/feet in the correct positions. Below is a picture of Kylee standing without her braces. This particular pic was taken a while back and her feet are slowly turning out more as time goes on. As you can see her left foot turns outward more than the right, therefore requiring a bigger brace. (her AdOrAbLe diapee cover embroidered by one of my awesome quad mommas, Sandra!)

Kylee only has to wear her braces during the day and gets a good break during naps and at night. Although it has been challenging for her to pull up to the couch she is handling them well and they don't seem to bother her. We're not sure yet how long Kylee will have to wear her braces. Of course we pray it's a short term thing and that she will eventually be able to walk without them. Her physical therapist says there's a chance she will need the AFO forever, but only time will tell. This little girl has overcome A LOT in her little lifetime and a few braces won't slow her down that's for sure!

Stay tuned... LOTS coming up!!!!


  1. My dear, sweet Kylee Mae. You are an amazing little girl and I know that God has great plans for your life. I pray that you keep that determined spirit that you have and never let anyone or anything slow you down. I love you. Aunt Beth

  2. Awe! She looks adorable in them! I hope it is a quick fix and she will be brace free in no time!

  3. Love the pink straps!! Adorable! She will do awesome and you will be surprised (once she really gets used to wearing them) how much more she will actually move around! She will be so much more confident in her new shoes! :) I am an ECI PT, I get to play with precious kiddos like yours several days a week! Good luck little Kylee....watch out world, here she comes!

  4. So sweet! She is so stinking cute!!!! Thanks for the shout out! Love you!

  5. Hi Heather!
    Thank you SOO much for getting in touch! It's incredible to have the feeling of not being so 'alone' now through all of this with such incredible support from other Quad Moms!
    Looking forward to what is yet to come!


  6. She looks great in her braces! Pretty soon you are going to be watching her run around that house of yours! :-)

    One of my sons has AFOs. We also have tile flooring in the entire house.

    AFOs and tile flooring = bad news.

    I found that the Payless nonslip sole pads you get for dress shoes on the bottoms of the AFOs prevent them from slipping on our tile floors. Now he doesn't always have to wear shoes. I don't know if that is a problem for you guys, but I wanted to throw it out there in case it could help.

  7. Hey Kylee, you look great and soon you'll be walking all over the place. Nobody will be able to get away from you then. Keep fighting God has great plans for you. You are a fashion statement with those braces on. You're such a cute Dudette.

    Love "ya"

  8. So cute! Good luck Mom and Dad, now you have to keep up with her!

  9. Catching up again. ;) I hope Kylee won't have to always wear the one brace, and that they help her out! :)

  10. Precious precious Kylee !!! ALWAYS smiling !!! Love that baby girl ;-)

    Love, Anna

  11. Good job Mom. Soon you'll have to chase her down. Best of luck to you. -John (quad dad)
