Thursday, October 28, 2010

My beautiful farm babies...

A sneak peak at our Halloween costumes this year.... prepare your heart for a good melting :]
Brody. My Love. My Little Moo-Cow.

Baxlyn. My Diva. My Little Pink Pig.

Kylee. My Angel. My Precious Little Lamb.
Korbin. My Man. My Little (not feeling well at all) Baby Chicken.
Oh... you know there's WAY more to come :]
Hope you all have a happy SAFE Halloween!


  1. CUTEST farm animals I ever did see! Hope y'all have a happy halloween!

  2. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! They are SO cute!!!! :)

    My daugther is being that same chicken! :)

  3. THEY ARE ADORABLE!!!!! I love those costumes!!!!

  4. Too Cute!! Love the costumes!
