Thursday, January 6, 2011

As a little girl, I prayed there was a Doggy Heaven... as a 25 year old adult, the little girl inside of me is still saying the same prayer. You see, today I have to say good bye to Coco, my dear sweet old dog I've had since I was just eight years old. We celebrated her 17th birthday this past October, and I knew it would be her last. The past few months I've known we were getting closer to putting her down. We've put several dogs to sleep over my childhood, but that's the difference here, I'm not a child. This time it's my decision, my call. I'll be spending the day out of the house with the babies and a friend while my mom comes to get her to try to keep my mind off of it but I know it will be rough this evening when I get home. If you could, please send up a little prayer for me if ya think of it :] Life just stinks sometimes.


  1. I'm so sorry.... I will be thinking of you all day!

  2. Heather, my heart is aching for you today as your family allows your beloved CoCo to be pain free and allow her to cross to the Rainbow Bridge. Heck I am 49 and we made the decision in June to allow our 12 year bloodhound to cross to the bridge, it is never easy no matter what the age. For CoCo to live to be 17 years old, is so amazing, she for sure had a great life. We will be watching for the new bright star in the sky night for your beloved Coco. Run Free, Coco.....{{HUGS}} and God Bless, Sherri (

  3. I am so sorry - we have had to do the same thing to two dogs and three cats and it always upsets us as we love our pets also and our animals each lived for over sixteen years too.

  4. My heart is aching for you too! Coco was a good companion and it is so hard to say good bye. You won't have to watch her suffer anymore. I don't know what else to say, and words can't take the pain away, but know that you are in our prayers and we love you very much. RIP Tobay.

  5. Heather, find comfort in the fact that Coco will suffer no more and if there is a doggie heaven she will be up there running around smiling down and saying thank-you for sending me to a great place like this. You have been a great mother to her for seventeen years but we all get old and have to go home eventually. Now God has blessed you with four wonderful blessings for you to raise as you did Coco. God gave you Coco and Rocky to train you to take care of His miracle babies He gave you to raise for Him. I know you are very sad as I am also, but look to the future with your wonderful children and think of all the great memories you are making with them. Remember you are the pride of my life and your kids will be yours also.I love you.

  6. Oh Heather. So sad. I'll be thinking of and praying for you.

  7. When your children hurt, you hurt! I have cried most of the day because I know how you are hurting. I thank God you have a sweet husband and 4 beautiful babies to give you comfort, and most of all Jesus Christ, He can comfort more than anyone. I am praying that for you, I love you very much.

  8. Oh, I am just SO sorry about this! It is so hard to say goodbye to a pet. Having gone through this several times, we can imagine how you are feeling. Most recently, our 11-year-old Yorkie, Babie, died very suddenly in my arms after being treated for kidney failure for two years. Her quality of life had been good until that sudden, terrible moment. We had thought we would have to make the decision to let her go at some point, as we had to do with several other pets. Either way you lose them, it's just so hard. Our prayers are with you! (((HUGS)))

  9. You have been awarded the Stylish Blogger award!!
