Monday, January 24, 2011

Parrish Photography

We were fortunate enough to have a winter photo shoot with Chuck Parrish and our pictures turned out incredible, as they always do! It seems like yesterday he came to do their newborn session and here we are approaching their 2nd birthday! To learn more about Chuck Parrish Photography and to see more of his flawless work, view his website by clicking here or check out his facebook page here!
L-R Korbin Kylee Brody Baxlyn
Sweet Kylee and her killer smile (and her wipe, of course)!
My handsome nephew John
Korbin and his leaf. It's the simple things in life...
I absolutely adore this picture of Kylee...
Thank you again, Chuck Parrish, for using your remarkable talent to give us pictures we will value forever!


  1. Awww Joon-head! He's getting old...which means we are too :( these pics are too cute! I love the one where they're all facing the wall and looking back over their shoulders. That must've taken a few tries!

    <3 Nikki

  2. Yes, these are amazing pictures! Thank you Chuck! I have had so many compliments on these pictures! I was there that day during the photo shoot and I was in awe of the patience you had and the quality of the pictures that you were able to get. Thank you again! Beth Testerman

  3. Great pictures! It is so hard getting 4 babies to take 1 good picture and he captured the moments fantastically!

  4. Those are amazing pictures!! I would love to get some info on how to order them!! They are all precious!!!

  5. Thanks guys! Ashley - follow the link to their site, you'll find a "Contact Us" tab and should be able to find more info through there!

  6. Your Christmas card with some of these pictures was just awesome. Yes, He does do beautiful work!

  7. Those a great! Love 'em. I didn't know you had a blog either so I guess we're even. :)

  8. Those are some great photos, Chuck sure did a great job. I loved the one where they all turned back to look. That would have definetly been a hard picture for us to get all 4 to turn back so the camera could capture all their faces. Ours like to run in different directions, or play with the props.
