Friday, February 25, 2011

The Best Birthday Yet: Part 3!

After a fun filled day at the pediatrician's office and the zoo, Nana met us at our last stop - a place called Going Bonkers! It's the biggest jungle-gym I have ever seen, I mean HUGE and it's open to people of ALL ages which means Mommy & Daddy can climb and have fun too! We got there at about 4:30pm and I thought we would be lucky if the babies lasted 2 hours. Boy was I wrong! we finally had to drag them out at 8:30pm! It was 4 hours of straight FUN!

There's a small area blocked off for kids ages 3 and under. Completely padded with no super high areas, the babies are totally safe in there (with parents supervision of course)! While there it was just our 4 plus one other little boy (who towered over our little squirts). His mom and I got to talking and it turns out it was his 2nd Birthday too and he was born just 45 minutes before ours - small world! Below we have the Bro-man peeking around the pole...Brody and Baxlyn at the top of the slide. Look at these faces, seriously, they loved it!
My handsome Mr. Korbin (their awesome shirts by Designed For Babies of course!)
Sweet Kylee Mae
Lil' Miss B
Kylee & Daddy
My Cheeser Brody!
There was one point I looked towards the back of the toddler play area and saw what looked like my babies FLYING up in the air... I went back to find this...
Scared the heck out of me, but once I saw they loved it I agreed to go grab the camera and snap a few pics. By the way, this area was NOT made for bouncing on, there was hardly any give at all to this weaved tunnel type thing but somehow, Bret got them to soar high...
More beautiful smiles from my beautiful 2 year olds!
Kylee and I after Korbin bit my lip and drew blood - ouch!
After hours of play we lit the candles on the cake Dr. Reyes gave them earlier that morning. THANKS DR. REYES! (The cake was MUCH prettier before we moved all of the candles around so all the babies could see!)
After 4 rounds of "Happy Birthday" we let them dig in!
Our lil' family - after surviving 2 years!
That about sums it up for their 2nd Birthday! I know they'll have a blast at their real party once RSV season is over!


  1. You and Bret amaze me! I love the last picture of you and the kids!! Also the pics of the babies "flying" LOL! SO cute and SO funny!

  2. That must have one a blast. Sure looks like alot of fun, especially when they were bouncing up high. Also, we loved the numbered shirts. We were thinking about getting something like that so its easy to know which kids are ours when we're out in public. For now, we have to dress all the boys the same so its easy to know who they are when they are out with a bunch of other kids.

    The McCleary Quads

  3. That look likes SO much fun! Glad y'all had such a special day!

  4. aw that sounds like the BEST 2nd birthday EVER!!!! i am glad that yall had so much fun:) where is that place i want to play too haha:))
