Thursday, March 24, 2011

The BABIES need YOU!

This time two years ago, Bret and I found ourselves in the most trying time imaginable. After having to deliver the babies at an early 28 weeks 5 days gestation we were struggling day in and day out with the many emotions that come along with having preemies in the NICU. Seeing our babies struggle to stay alive and not being able to do a single thing to help them was hands down the hardest thing in the world. I can't count the number of times coming and going from the NICU that I saw parents completely helpless, broken and in tears... I can't count the number of times we came in and out of those doors helpless, broken and in tears. To think about our time there and the fact that we made it out, all of us, together, gives me chills and makes me so thankful to God that we have them all here to love and raise today.

The March of Dimes is an American health charity whose mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. Their prematurity campaign is already showing signs of success, including a recent 3 percent decline in the premature birth rate. With more than 1,400 babies born too soon EVERY day, much work is still to be done. This is where you come in. Bret and I, with the babies, will be walking in the March of Dimes March for Babies next month in Dallas. We are asking that you consider helping us in one or more of several ways. You are welcome to walk with us, you can give a financial gift to help the March of Dimes and it's phenomenal efforts, and/or you can pass our team page along to others so that they may have an opportunity to give as well. To learn more about the March of Dimes and their prematurity campaign, click here.
You can view our personal page, in honor of Brody Baxlyn Kylee & Korbin, and learn how to donate by clicking here. Remember ANY amount you are able to give CAN and WILL make a difference in helping fight prematurity and helping those who are born premature to have a better chance at a healthier life. Thank you for your support and feel free to leave a comment or email us at with any additional questions!

1 comment:

  1. good job! all of them are useful. please keep us informed like this. thanks for sharing.
