Friday, March 11, 2011

A special thanks.... make that two!

First, thanks to all of you who have been sendin' prayers up for the Quads. Since my last post we had three additional ear infections but are now doing GREAT! The babies are back to all smiles and have endless energy. The weather has been beautiful here in Texas and we were finally able to go outside to enjoy it...which brings me to my next thank you. Our friends, also known as Grandma and Papa Ferguson, had the cutest playhouse collecting dust in their beautiful backyard. They decided it needed a new home and graciously gave it to us! Bret and I want to thank you, Georgia & Larry, for thinking of us. We PROMISE it will get LOTS of good use in the coming years!

The moment it hit our backyard, both Korbin & Baxlyn took off in full speed ready to explore this cool new BIG toy! It took no time at all for them to figure out how to climb up all by themselves (giving Mommy a heart attack) and zip right down the slide! It will be a while before Kylee & Brody master climbing up by themselves, but with Mommy's help they reach the top and have a blast too!

I think their faces say it all!


  1. How exciting, looks like a big hit. Nothing but smiles and excited faces. We can't wait for the weather here in Missouri to warm up so we can take ours out side. Today was a warm day but looks like we have more cold days ahead. Hopefully by their birthday it'll be nice and warm.

  2. Wow, what a wonderful gift! That's the best ... when someone sees a need that they can easily fill, without much sacrifice on their part, and be a HUGE blessing to their neighbors (literal or figurative). Love it.
