Tuesday, April 26, 2011

4 two year olds and a fly...

It will be two years ago tomorrow (April 27th) that I finally brought all four of my tiny babies home from the hospital, together. The last two years have been some of the most difficult yet best years ever and these precious babies continue to take my breath away daily. It amazes me lately how completely oblivious they are to me and the things going on around them. At this age, they are so full of wonder and I love to sit back and watch as they explore their little world around them...and take pictures, of course. I just happened to get this little tid bit on film and thought I'd share.

It all started with Baxlyn. She trapped, and squished, a fly near her bedroom window.

Being the sweet sister she is, after exploring it herself she passed it off to Korbin.

Korbin then passed it to Brody to check out...

Brody passed it back to Korbin...

...who showed Kylee...

...and for those of you who know Kylee...

...Poor lil' fly never had a chance!


  1. Hilarious! The baby who swallowed a fly :)

  2. ewwwwwwwwwww! you are such a brave momma for letting them explore a fly in such detail!

  3. lol awww Amanda...flies, june bugs, roly polys... you name it! just keep them away from me ;)

  4. How sweet, how funny, and may I say, "Ewwww"! Thanks for the laugh.

  5. There was a little girl who swallowed a fly, I don't know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she'll not die!! She swallowed a fly!!

  6. Kylee, that is gross. Crickets taste better.

  7. Kylee, I remember when your mommy was little, she was crawling around on the floor and we heard a crunching sound. She had a cricket in her mouth! YUCK!

  8. That was honestly a laugh out loud moment for me. Hilarious.

  9. This is just an amazing series of photos. Kudos to you for just letting it happen (and documenting it). I laughed out loud too.

  10. Oh I just got chills. I was brought a fly the otherr day am Elizabeth is now afraid of them. Props to you Heather.

  11. haha!!!

    my girls LOVE flies, too (and every other bug). i love the pictures, your kids are adorable.

    i'm stopping by from multiples monday...i'm your newest follower :)

  12. Stopping by from Multiples Monday. So cool to capture all of that in pictures, and ewww ;)

  13. That is a hilarious photo story! It is amazing that you were there and captured it...and let it happen without seizing the fly. Thank you for sharing this post on Multiples Monday on Capri + 3. I'm sure this post will make many people smile.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  14. Haha! That's hilarious (and really gross!)! I've never realized how much fun flies can be...LOL!
