Monday, June 27, 2011

The Cox Family: Post Vacation

It's rough sometimes winding down and getting settled after getting home from a vacation....yaaaa knoooww the unpacking, the laundry, getting back on a normal schedule, strep, 103-104 fevers, pharyngitis. Wait what? YOU don't get strep every 4 days too?!?!

Yes. They're sick again! Korbin and Baxlyn ran fevers all week but were acting decent, so I chalked it up to teething and attempted to fight it with tylenol/advil. Friday evening they both went downhill and spiked fevers as high as 104.5. A trip to Carenow confirmed Baxlyn had strep and Korbin, pharyngitis. Brody was soon to follow Saturday afternoon and despite my efforts of keeping Kylee out of the house, away from them, she was hit (mildly, thank goodness) last night. A visit to Dr. Reyes this morning confirmed she and Brody have it as well. Fun. We left with the ENT's number in hand and they have an evaluation scheduled for Thursday. Looks like we'll be sayin' adios to the ole' tonsils in the near future.

I'll update you after Thursday's appointment! Thoughts and prayers that our little foursome are feeling well soon are appreciated!

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