...these two crazy kids finally said "I do"!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Just another Wednesday...
We're currently in the process of transitioning from two naps to one. Yes, at (almost) 2 and half years old, we are still on 2 naps a day. I'm certain my kids hold world records in the sleep department, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. They typically go down at night by 7pm and wake up between 8-9am add two daily naps and you've got a lot of sleep. Until now it's been great and our schedule has always been a morning nap from about 10:45am-12pm and an afternoon nap from 2pm-3:30pm. I hear so many stories of other kids taking one nap a day and giving their mom a 3-4 hour break...uhh yeah sign me up for that! I tried it yesterday, making them hold out until after lunch and a long therapy session. 1:30pm I put them down and they were out until 4, not too bad! Today on the other hand, not so great. Again, with all of my strength and despite their begging for night night, I made them hold out until 1pm. Surely, this would allow me at least a good 3 hours to myself. Nope. 2pm ALL of them are up, crying "I like out. I like out!" My first thought NO WAY! I've left them, I think some may have fallen back to sleep, but I don't dare peek in to check. It's currently 2:50 and I know the boys are up...joy. Maybe they're not ready for the one nap thing? Wish us luck on this whole nap thing, won't ya?
An update on our ENT situation. We have ALL FOUR scheduled for tonsil (and possible adenoid) removal on Monday August 8th. Are we crazy? Maybe. But we figure it would be easier than doing them one by one dragging out the process for months. Brody had a follow up appointment with Dr. Peiffer and he still has fluid in his ears, therefore he will be getting tubes as well. Brody's balance is still not the greatest which could be due to fluid sitting in the ears, his mild CP, other neurological issues or, most likely, a combination of all. We're hoping the tubes will do nothing but help him in the whole balance department. I've enjoyed hearing some of your experiences with the whole tonsil/tubes/adenoids situation some that went smoothly and some not so great. If you've been through this, especially with small toddlers or multiples, please let me hear your input!
On a good note, Brody and Kylee can both get on the couch by themselves! It's been a looong long time that we've been practicing building not only muscle but confidence! They, along with Korbin and Baxlyn are into e v e r y t h i n g. I'm happy they're doing good, thriving and learning new things, but with each milestone they hit, I swear the wrinkles in my forehead get deeper.
I'll leave ya for now, there's mountains of housework sitting behind me I must get to! PS - we've had several comments left on older posts over the past few weeks. We have answered your questions and replied to some of your comments under the comment section you wrote in. Hope you're all having a great week!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Rollin' With My Homies!
The Dirty South will never be the same after the Sweet Sixteen took to the streets!
Back Row: Jenn Suz Moni Amy Jo Sandra Charity Mari Kelly Gen
Front Row: Beth, Jenna Kami Casey Heather Jac Misty
Quad Mommas 2011 Shirts:
Our 3rd annual Quad mom trip was a blast and we are already planning QM 2012!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Where the heck does time go?
Really, Where does it go? From the moment they were born I've told myself "enjoy it they'll grow fast". Literally, I remember telling myself that in the NICU and the day they hit 3 weeks old (just 31 weeks gestation) I felt as if they we're about to head off to college. Often (lately) I forgot to remind myself of that and I find myself dreaming of the day they will all walk together in a public place, sit and smile for a picture, wipe their own bums, etc. Now that we've hit toddlerhood, it's hard to not wish the days would go by quickly and even harder not to keep your eye on the next nap time (that's what all us moms get excited about, right?!)
I just back in to town from my annual trip with my Quad Mommas (Whooop! - blog coming soon!). I was gone for 4 days and came home to taller, smarter, sassier quads. It's just amazing to me. It seems like yesterday I had little 2 pound helpless infants who depended on me for everything now I'm being called "Mom" by 4 little independent 2 year olds. By the way, Are they not supposed to wait until they're like 10 to call me "Mom"?! UGH! Anyways, I had myself a bawl (literally!) looking back over the "good ole days" ;) and thought I'd share a few pics that reminded me just how quickly time is flying....
I could post hundreds upon hundreds of pics that melt my heart today.... ahhh if only I could slowww time! Hope you're all having a great week!