Sunday, July 17, 2011

Where the heck does time go?

Really, Where does it go? From the moment they were born I've told myself "enjoy it they'll grow fast". Literally, I remember telling myself that in the NICU and the day they hit 3 weeks old (just 31 weeks gestation) I felt as if they we're about to head off to college. Often (lately) I forgot to remind myself of that and I find myself dreaming of the day they will all walk together in a public place, sit and smile for a picture, wipe their own bums, etc. Now that we've hit toddlerhood, it's hard to not wish the days would go by quickly and even harder not to keep your eye on the next nap time (that's what all us moms get excited about, right?!)

I just back in to town from my annual trip with my Quad Mommas (Whooop! - blog coming soon!). I was gone for 4 days and came home to taller, smarter, sassier quads. It's just amazing to me. It seems like yesterday I had little 2 pound helpless infants who depended on me for everything now I'm being called "Mom" by 4 little independent 2 year olds. By the way, Are they not supposed to wait until they're like 10 to call me "Mom"?! UGH! Anyways, I had myself a bawl (literally!) looking back over the "good ole days" ;) and thought I'd share a few pics that reminded me just how quickly time is flying....

I could post hundreds upon hundreds of pics that melt my heart today.... ahhh if only I could slowww time! Hope you're all having a great week!

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