Monday, October 24, 2011

Sometimes life sucks...

Back in January I shared with you my thoughts as a little girl and always wishing there was a "Doggy Heaven". We said goodbye to my sweet Coco 9 months ago and today I am forced to say goodbye to Rocky, my 11 year old Cocker Spaniel :( Can I just say it sucks... so so bad. My heart literally hurts and my eyes are fighting tears as I type this.

I'm thankful I got to have him and raise him as a pet and it's so so hard to say goodbye. His health, although never great, has really deteriorated over the past week. He hasn't eaten and has been very uncomfortable. A trip to the vet's office last week pretty much confirmed he has an enlarged liver and the chances of him "recovering" would be extremely slim and very pricey to attempt. Although I knew he wouldn't be with us too much longer, I never imagined a week ago today that it would be this soon.

My parents will come to take him and I, like I was with Coco, will be spending the day out and about with my precious babies and close friends, trying to keep my mind off of it. Tonight will be hard as I come home, the first time in my entire life, to no dog. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers if you could. For now, even as an adult, I'll continue to let myself believe that tonight Rocky will be pain free and back with my Coco in the glorious land also known as Doggy Heaven. Even though life sucks sometimes... God is still sovereign and for that I will praise him, even on the hard days.


  1. I am a dog lover and I am so sorry for what you are faced with today. I am sure Rocky was greeted at Rainbow Bridge by Coco, they are running together pain free with the sunshining and wind between their ears. Remember to look up in the sky tonight for that new bright star, that will be Rocky watching over you.

    I think we could be 100 years old and losing a fur-kid will never get easier. I just lost my 7 year old basset to Cancer on 9-20. She was diagnosed on 9-1-11 and passed away 19 days later, that was a tough one. One thing I have noticed through my fur-kids is that sometimes if one dog is very attached to the other, their health will go downhill very fast when one passes. We experienced that with our first and 2nd basset, they passed 18 months to the day and I swear the 2nd basset died of a broken heart.

    I just wanted to over my thoughts and prayers to you today.

    HoundDogMom (Sherri)

  2. Im so sorry Heather :-( Rocky is such a special part of y'alls family!! Rocky and Co Co will be watching over y'all together! Praying for you and please let me know if there is anything I can do!!

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. On Saturday, we lost our precious Cameo. I am 62 years old and have cried since I found out that she was dying. God, in His mercy, let her be with my daughter and I until the end. Maybe Rocky, CoCo and Cameo are running and playing together.

  4. A pet is so precious and loyal and I am so very sorry for your loss!! An animal lover myself, I completely understand the heartache and pain. I do believe in animal heaven-Rainbow Bridge!! Love and comfort to you and yours during this very difficult time.

  5. Hi. I have never commented before but always read your updates. I just lost my 13 year old Yorkie on Oct. 4 of this year. My heart still hurts but he was suffering and I had to end it. This is also the first time in my life that I come home daily to no dogs so I know how you feel. I beleive our beloved animals are waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge and we will be reunited someday. Hugs to you sweetie.

  6. I believe in Rainbow Bridge and Doggy Heaven too. I've had too many pets go too soon. Rocky always made me laugh with his fur in his eyes and his rank toots. I'm so sorry for your loss, H & B. I hope you feel better soon, but never forget your furry friend. We love you!

    -Nikki & Rich
