Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Crafts in Quadville

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It's winter time, it's cold outside, and let's face it, it's a chore to get 4 two year olds out the door to go places when you're by yourself. The past two years we've spent most (if not all) of the winter in the house due to RSV/flu season (which by the way 3 were diagnosed with strep again this week). Now that they're older, keeping them busy and entertained at home is getting harder. They still don't get into TV shows or movies too much, which isn't a horrible thing but on occasion I'd really enjoy the break a simple 30 minute show could give me. With the holiday's here now we've been jammin' to Christmas music everyday while dancing and decorating too! Now that they (and by they I mean Kylee) don't eat everything in sight I thought it would be a good time do get down and dirty with some finger painting, glitter and glue! It's a little stressful and causes quite a mess but it is fun and the quads enjoy it. Here's some of our holiday creations so far...

First we have our Christmas wreaths. These are my favorite and take the most time by far. I start with making their little hand prints, wait for them to dry, cut them out, hot glue them together and top them off with a little holiday raffia. We’ve got them all around our house and are making extra for our friends and family too decorate with too!

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While the green paint is out we make some upside-down handprint Christmas trees decorated with fingerprints for lights and a little glitter for sparkle…xmas decor 052

Our little snowmen…

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Of course we had to make some Reindeer! The face is a footprint, the antlers, a set of handprints and the nose and eyes, thumbprints! Add some eye lashes to the girls’ and red glitter to the nose and wa-la, Rudolph!

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Our little herd of deer… L-R Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin.  Notice Brody & Kylee’s little flat feet…no arch, whatsoever!

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At last, our Christmas tree this year with NO GATE around it!

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I’d love to hear any kid-friendly ideas YOU have for home made holiday decorations. What do you do with your kiddos when its cold and wet outside?


  1. Something I always enjoyed as a child is cinnamon applesauce Christmas ornaments. You can easily find the recipe online but it's just cinnamon and applesauce till it forms a dough consistency. Roll it out. Cut out shapes and punch a hole with a straw to hang it. Let them dry for a couple days then decorate.

  2. Anon, I LOVE that idea! I remember those from when I was a kid but totally forgot about them and never knew how to make them. I actually have those ingredients in the pantry so I'll just give it a whirl and let ya know how it turns out :) Thanks again!

  3. Great ideas, thank you for sharing. That wreath and reindeer are adorable!

  4. Heather they last a long time too. Also, if you make them if you hang them on your tree near a lightbulb you'll be able to smell them even better. Have fun!
    - Rebecca

  5. you can make angles and use the babies hanprints to make wings a great gift idea for grandparents is buy the big clear glass balls orments michaels has then for 5.00 a box and u put the babies handprints on then add there name and year and put glitter in the bulb make awsome keepsake for the tree. I am a 2 s teacher at a day care so we do lots of crafts....... u can aslo do christmas tree out of paper and give them tissaue paper star stickers the garage sale
    dot stickers and excess craft matrials to add to there tree u can make a santa out of a paper plate I can give u ideas for days let me know if u need more
