Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Parties!!

First and foremost I’d like to say thank you to you readers for the sweet comments on the last post about Kylee’s new therapy. She’s done GREAT since that rough second day and is using her left hand to do everything, still very difficult of course, but she’s using it.

We’ve had a total of 3 Christmas parties in the last 8 days. Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin have enjoyed each one and what it had to offer. Up first was Bret’s work party (before Kylee got her new bracelet). This was our first year attending and it was so fun. From cookie decorating, to coloring cards for soldiers, to the children’s entertainer, there was much to do! The group of ladies in charge of the cookie decorating station couldn’t get enough of the quads and kept luring them back to their table the entire night by offering more (and more) cookies… thanks ladies, realllly!

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Baxlyn was the only one interested in coloring cards for the soldiers that night. There were little…how do I describe them… “felt-covered” cards with little Santa’s and such on them and the kids were supposed to color them in and leave a nice message. 30 minutes later Baxlyn had not only colored hers in, she kept going until there was NO white showing on her card at all leaving no room for any kind of message. Front, middle AND back was solid color! I can only hope the solider who receives her card can feel the love she poured into that thing! While Bret watched the little artist do her thing, Kylee, Korbin, Brody and I were entertained by an awesome children’s entertainer who sang songs, introduced puppets and made cool things out of balloons. Baxlyn joined us just in time for the really good stuff. All of the kids were invited up on stage to sing and play instruments. You can see in the pic below, Baxlyn found her a little spot in the very back where she sat and played her little drum the entire time. When the kid songs were over and the stage was cleared, there sat Baxlyn and her drum. The song leader said we had witnessed a  “Christmas" miracle” by her not getting trampled!

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Friday morning we had the ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) Christmas party. Below you see them working hard on more sugar cookies – notice Kylee using that left hand to shake her sprinkles – whoop whoop!

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It took a lot of bribing but we were able to get Korbin & Kylee to pose for a picture with the Sesame Street gang…

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Last but not least, we attended our PAMOM Christmas party today. A gymnasium full of little people who all came in twos, threes or in our case, fours! Bret had to work so I went solo and whew… what a challenge! My other MoMs are super supportive and helped keep count of not only theirs, but mine as well. Miss Baxlyn is super independent and doesn’t see the need to be accounted for. One minute she would be coloring at a table by herself and the next I’d find her across the gymnasium in a bounce house full of kids..she’s a busy bee for sure! I had to take a picture of the picture she was coloring. I was extremely impressed at how well she stayed in the lines, something we haven’t practiced a whole lot at home.

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Thanks to the puppet lady, Brody Baxlyn Kylee & Korbin all sat down for a brief period of time allowing Angela to take a picture of me with them! That’s one thing I fail at, being in pictures WITH my kids. I’m a picture taker for sure and rarely go a day with out picking up the camera. It’s not often people take the camera from me and demand me to sit and smile too!

pamom quads

Among all of the kids’ parties, us adults managed to get out for some time too to celebrate my Bethany’s 25th birthday! Here’s Chris & Bethany, Anna & Mason and Bret & myself at La Hacienda Ranch!gayles bday 007

Silly girls… Heather, Bethany & Anna!

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Stay tuned. Another BIG transition this Mama is pretty anxious about….. eeeeek!

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