Thursday, January 5, 2012

First trip to the FIRE STATION!


Our weather here in the Lone Star State has been pretty good lately despite it being winter. If you know anything about Texas, you know the weather here can change in an instant. I’ve been trying to get Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin out during these nice days while I can. Last week Bethany and I decided to take them to the fire station for the first time!

flash drive 326N When we arrived, the firemen were outside washing the fire truck. The truck was running therefore very loud and the quads were a little stand-off-ish and hesitated to go up to it. flash drive 230Once reassuring them it was OK, leader of the pack (aka Baxlyn) let the fire fighter lift her up into the truck. It was all smiles from there on out and one by one the others followed her lead…flash drive 260

      They all stood inside looking around and were overall pretty quiet. They play with trucks and cars at home but don’t have any “fire” trucks so, although they had heard of them this was really their first experience.flash drive 264Sweet Kylee Mae – still being an absolute Rock Star with her constraint therapy! flash drive 278  Here’s the fab four checking out the ambulance…flash drive 320

Brody, Korbin & Kylee have all experienced the ambulance and what it has to offer first hand at some point in their little lives so this was a first for Miss B – I’m hoping she never has to ride in one other than for fun. Ugh still gives me chills just thinking about those scary early blue-turning days :(flash drive 294

The fire fighters were SO nice to us while we were there and let us check out the entire place. We got to see their whole set up and hear about what a typical day is like in the fire fighting/paramedic world! I think the coolest part to the quads was getting to see their “bedrooms” which were a small rooms with bare mattresses in them. Seeing their Christmas tree was a big hit too :)  While there, out of nowhere sirens started blaring and codes were being called over speakers. My first reaction was to ask if we were in the way and needed to leave. The fireman giving us the tour assured us we were good and asked us to step back. Just like that, the doors of several bedrooms opened and out came more firefighters who had been sleeping just seconds prior. It was, no joke, like a 25 second long period from the time we heard the sirens to the time we watched them speed out of the garage. I was super impressed and once again thankful to see prompt response! 

I look forward to visiting more often as the quads get older and can appreciate the whole experience a little more!

L-R Korbin, Baxlyn, Kylee & Brody

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