Monday, March 19, 2012

Help Support the March of Dimes!

  We are preparing for our big walk for the March of Dimes March for Babies! This will be our 3rd year to walk in order to raise support and awareness for the March of Dimes and it’s fight against prematurity.

So many people are affected by prematurity every day. Obviously prematurity and it’s long term affects are right up our alley and Bret and I never want to take for granted that our sweet babies are here today. I’ve seen so many parents of preemies that have had to say an early goodbye to their precious babies as they earned their wings so early. Bret and I, and our family and friends, walk not only to honor Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin, but to recognize so many babies who lost their fight and now rest in God’s arms above.

So, how can you help? If you are local, feel free to register on our team page and walk with us! If you are not, visit the March for Babies website and find a local walk near you.  We would like to also ask you, our readers and long time supporters, to consider donating to our team. Keep in mind the funds raised in March for Babies support research and programs that help moms have full-term pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives. And they will be used to bring comfort and information to families with a baby in newborn intensive care. Your donation to the March of Dimes, ANY AMOUNT, is greatly appreciated by families just like ours. It’s because of your support, advances have been made to help save these babies who are born too early.

Click here to make a secure online donation or to learn more about the Dallas  walk!

A special thank you from our healthy growing miracles! Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin at 32 weeks gestation, at 6 months, and today at 3 years old!

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A look back at the past two years!

The Cox Quads - March for Babies 2010

The Cox Quads - March for Babies 2011

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