Thursday, April 26, 2012

13 Weeks – Sweet #5!

A little update on the pregnancy (if you’re a little behind and your jaw is on your desktop right now, click here). I am 13 weeks along as of Tuesday which means helllllo 2nd trimester!! Thanks to all of you for your sweet comments when we revealed our big news. We’ve left a lot of people stunned, which is ok, but overall very supportive!

So far this pregnancy has been a WORLD of difference than the quads. I was stuck in bed for weeks upon weeks with them and couldn’t go an hour, much less a day, without getting sick. Even with prescription meds on board, the toilet and I were one in the same and when out of the house you can bet I had my puke bucket right by my side. Although I had a few sick days in the beginning of this pregnancy, now that I have my BFF Zofran as a part of my daily diet, I am good to go!  I’m tired, of course, but that could easily be chalked up to running 4 3 year olds around solo all day everyday. I’m super thankful things have gone so well so far!

Everyone has asked how Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee & Korbin are handling the news. Are they happy? Excited? Do they want a boy or girl? Honestly, the whole baby thing is over their heads. We’ve told them and it hasn’t phased them a bit. We even took Brody and Kylee along to our 13w appointment to SEE the baby on the screen. Brody was more concerned whether or not my doctor was going to take his tubes out of his ears (only has this fear with this particular doc, by the way lol) as well as making sure he and Kylee got to go up to the NICU to see the fish.  We’ll continue to talk to them about it and I’m sure as time goes on (and I grow) they’ll start to understand!

We went this week for our 13 week scan/appointment and got to see our  healthy growing wiggly baby. We found out the quads’ genders during this week of my pregnancy with them so I had my fingers crossed we might get a glimpse of this lil’ one as well. Before we even mentioned it, one of the first things the sonographer said when waving the wand across my tummy was “Well….are you guys wanting to know what you’re having?”  UMM YES! Our little peanut was sitting indian style giving her a clear shot  of what looked like….drum roll please… man business! Of course it’s early (and we won’t be buying blue just yet) but she feels 80% sure we’re looking at having a baby boy! Although happy, my “gut feeling” was that it was a girl… so much for that mother’s instinct, ehh? I guess I always pictured another little one in dresses and bows! Bret’s reaction: “you just saved me a TON of money!”

I’ve had several people ask for belly pics. With nearly zero abdominal muscles left over from the quads I can feel things…umm… less than supported in my tummy area to say the least. Honestly, I’ve felt pretty huge the last few weeks. That is until I actually pulled out the pictures from the last pregnancy. Yeah, not feeling so huge anymore. Here are the comparison pics from 13w with quadruplets (left) and 13w with a singleton. Although I started out about 10lbs heavier with the quads, there’s a big difference!

13w Quads

13w belly no 5

A shot of the baby looking right at you… head on right, little knuckles under chin and belly!

 13w no 5

We’ll keep you posted on what we pray stays our boring, easy going pregnancy!


  1. Congratulations!!! I look forward to the journey via the blog!!

  2. What a cute baby bump! Well both of them actually. The quad bump and the singleton bump! :)

  3. Bret, Heather, Brody, Baxlyn, Kylee and Korbin, we are so excited to be welcoming another little one to the family! Praying for a 'long' 'healthy' pregnancy and uncomplicated delivery. Looking forward to another reason to be thankful this November! Love you all, Sis (Aunt Beth), Uncle Darrell and John.

  4. Oh yay!! I did miss the last post and was totally surprised! I have been reading since before the quads were born and am so so excited for you guys!! Congratulations!!

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