Wednesday, April 18, 2012

HURRY! It’s not too late…

…to support your favorite quads in their walk against prematurity ;)

MOD PIC 2012

Our big walk for the March of Dimes is this Saturday. This will be our 3rd year walking and we’ve got a great team behind us! Thanks to you AwEsOmE supporters we have met our financial goal – THANK YOU THANK YOU T H A N K Y O U! That being said…why stop there?! Every dollar donated will go towards raising awareness and ultimately helping little babies start healthier lives.

Please consider donating just $5 in honor of the little ones in your lives so others have a chance of keeping the little ones in theirs. You can easily make a secure online donation by visiting our team page HERE!

If you are a local and would like to join our team and walk along with us, feel free to contact me at To learn more about the March of Dimes and their efforts visit

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