Saturday, May 12, 2012

Brody & Kylee – New Gear!

I took Brody & Kylee a few days ago to pick up their new AFOs. They’ve known for a few weeks now they were getting them and I’ve done my best to talk them up so they’d be excited. This is Kylee’s second round with braces and although she wasn’t walking last time, she did great. She’s proven time and time again a little gear every once in a while isn’t a big deal to her. Cranial helmet, splint, braces, she’s done it all pretty easily. Brody on the other hand, although broke records while rocking his cranial helmet, I was a little nervous about. When we got to the orthotics office, Kylee had her brace put on first and set a great, brave example for Brody. Once his were put on he was good to go as well! Loved them!
Unfortunately new braces equals new shoes. Fun for them but a little pricey for Mom & Dad when you are looking at multiple pairs. The braces force us to buy a size to 2 sizes bigger than what they normally wear and if you notice, Kylee only has one brace meaning we buy a pair in one size so the shoe can fit her right foot and another pair so she has a shoe to fit the left. If any of you really experienced AFO/SMO moms have any tips on the whole shoe thing, I’d be happy to hear. I was told Nordstrom’s will allow you to split two pairs to make one for cases like this and they just ship the other shoes back to be re-matched. Only issue with this is they are WAY more expensive than say Target or Payless which kind of defeats the purpose. Again, I’m all ears if you have suggestions!
Brody and Kylee were both excited to get home to show Korbin & Baxlyn their new braces. The instant we walked in the door, Korbin and Baxlyn asked where theirs were and frantically looked through the bags I brought in. Here I was afraid Brody & Kylee wouldn’t like them and all of a sudden I have two additional little people BEGGING for braces! We let Korbin & Baxlyn each try them on which they thought was pretty cool. Baxlyn is pretty much over her “need” for braces but Korbin is still pretty sad he was left out and is asking to go to the doctor so he can get some as well. Their innocence is precious. I can only hope if Brody & Kylee ever have to wear them to school in the future kids will be just as accepting.
new gear 034 I love their new AFOs and feel confident they will help with their tone issues. Unlike Kylee’s last pair, these have hinges (you can see around the ankles) which allows them to bend their foot when walking. The braces do keep them from being able to point their toes though, making toe walking impossible for Brody and offering a good stretch at all times. They’ve done great in them so far. They have to wear shoes with the braces at all times so that’s been a bit of an adjustment when it comes to everyday play in the house. They both are falling more often than usual but I know with a little practice they’ll get the hang of it. I’m just so so thankful they don’t mind wearing them and seem to be comfortable. They are supposed to wear them during their waking hours, getting breaks during nap and night (swimming and baths).
Kylee sporting her CUTE heart patterned brace and her new pink kicks! new gear 006  Brody and his cool cameo braces!new gear 012  My sweet duo who haven’t the slightest clue as to how much they’re loved. Proud doesn’t even begin to explain gear 029
  We’d appreciate your vote for us in the Circle of Moms Top 25 Moms of Multiples “contest”. Simply click on the pink circle icon at the top right, and give our blog a thumbs up. Votes are accepted every 24hrs for another 10 days or so.
A special thanks to my sweet husband for hacking into our blog to post a mothers day tribute to me! If you missed it, scroll down or click over in the archive to “Happy Mother’s Day 2012”. Love you Babe!
Thanks for your support!


  1. The new braces are very cool. I like that they are decorated and come in fun colors. Our four babies had helmets which we decorated because they only came in white.
    It is Multiples Monday on my blog Capri + 3, a weekly linky party where blogs about multiples add a link to a recent or beloved post. I would love it if you would come by and add a link to this post so everyone can see.
    : 0 ) Theresa

  2. Thanks for linking up! It's nice to have you as part of Multiples Monday.
    : 0 ) Theresa

  3. Hey Heather. One tip for the braces, stretch their socks up and over the braces so that they don't irritate their legs from the mold rubbing on them when the socks slip down. Old Navy's socks seem to be longer than most (they're triple roll) so they've worked great for us.

