Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Enjoy our blog? Got 30 seconds?

Some of you may remember the Circle of Moms Top 25 Moms of Multiples “contest” last year. No? Maybe this picture will freshen your memory…

How can you not bote after seeing that pic?! Our blog was nominated and, thanks to you guys, received enough votes to take a spot in the top 25. Throughout the year we were recognized multiple times which we greatly appreciate. We have been nominated again this year and although I’m a week late on getting on the ball and spreading the word, here we are.

If you are a long time follower (or a short time follower), enjoy our blog (or stop by just to be nosey..haha!) and have a few seconds to spare CLICK HERE, scroll down to “The Cox Quads” and give us a thumbs up! OR, even easier, see the lil pink button at the top right hand side of your screen, click there! You are able to vote one time each day for the next 2 weeks!

Thanks All!


  1. Aw, happy birthday to you, and you have such sweet little ones!

    Hi, I'm Cristina Deptula with New Year Publishing, and I've been enjoying your blog - all the sweet baby pictures and fun stories!

    And I'd like to let you know that we represent a series of lavishly illustrated children's books aimed at school-age girls. 

    Created by young teenage author Paris Morris, the books follow her as she welcomes her baby twin sisters home from the hospital, grows up, and travels with her family to various cities and destinations (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, etc.) 

    We're happy to send you a couple of free copies of the Paris books to read to your little ones for a mention in your blog. We can provide electronic and/or hard copies, whichever you prefer, and you may find us online at or

    Paris is still writing, and we expect several more books in the future. Wishing you and your whole family the best, and Happy early Mother's Day!


